comment Главархив Москвы делится документами Айседоры Дункан в день ее рождения https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.2784899498408735&type=3 https://cga.mos.ru/presscenter/news/detail/8926621.html А.Дункан в Ницце. 1927 год. https://cga.mos.ru/upload_local/resize_cache/6943343/172f8fe39a906c7634ab4c8ea87ec448/iblock/7dc/7dc741909749d28be40c9d94749b442d/1.jpg А.Дункан на стадионе в Афинах. 1912 год. https://cga.mos.ru/upload_local/resize_cache/6943345/0a83a5b3e77e14ab1c26818059974eb6/iblock/406/406e81232fae4a82e0a7b67a62a1e08f/2.jpg Выступление А.Дункан. Изображение из журнала «Иллюстасьон». 1910-е. https://cga.mos.ru/upload_local/resize_cache/6943349/0a83a5b3e77e14ab1c26818059974eb6/iblock/113/113d0e57e4c6d85799d019c744934ffc/3.jpg Письмо А. Дункан членам студии «Гептахор». 1913 год. https://cga.mos.ru/upload_local/resize_cache/6943293/0a83a5b3e77e14ab1c26818059974eb6/iblock/c2a/c2a0e58e6e9abd49292de595a40ca420/4.jpg Программа выступлений А. Дункан в зале «Квинс-холл» в Лондоне. 1921 год. https://cga.mos.ru/upload_local/resize_cache/6943291/0a83a5b3e77e14ab1c26818059974eb6/iblock/f01/f01aaeb8cafdb335812942e07d654297/5.jpg Статьи об А.Дункан в журнале «Дэнс мэгазин». https://cga.mos.ru/upload_local/resize_cache/6943295/0a83a5b3e77e14ab1c26818059974eb6/iblock/600/6008a33da7c0c55d81bbc2cc7e13d847/6.jpg Фотографии А.Дункан. 1913 г. https://cga.mos.ru/upload_local/resize_cache/6943370/0a83a5b3e77e14ab1c26818059974eb6/iblock/12d/12dc11659eeacb1f6a710b3927034600/7.jpg Фотография А.Дункан с детьми. 1913 год. https://cga.mos.ru/upload_local/resize_cache/6943355/0a83a5b3e77e14ab1c26818059974eb6/iblock/1ad/1ad63f29db5fcb584aa643c4679ade56/8.jpg Фотография детей А.Дункан. 1913 год. https://cga.mos.ru/upload_local/resize_cache/6943352/0a83a5b3e77e14ab1c26818059974eb6/iblock/d99/d990c5489eb505a87bd9f1894871dda4/9.jpg С.Д.Руднева. 1912 год. https://cga.mos.ru/upload_local/resize_cache/6943372/0a83a5b3e77e14ab1c26818059974eb6/iblock/7e4/7e484a9b5bae577387a4d1c3a32f86bf/10.jpg * 0003. --9641 Isadora Duncan Passport №24785 http://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/frame-savvy-hyattsville-2 http://s3-media4.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/bL-UX47vqaOtcCAIihlasQ/o.jpg October 3, 2014 Cheryl F. 0006. --9626 http://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/298423 Lot 510. ISADORA DUNCAN (1878 - 1927) American dancer whose avant garde style revolutionized modern dance, widely admired throughout Europe. An incredible and important manuscript L.S., 7pp. 4to., [n.p.], July, 1921 in which Duncan makes an impassioned plea to be allowed to introduce her dance to the Russian people. Duncan sent this signed transcript of her difficult-to-read original A.L.S. to the Russian Legation in London for their consideration in issuing her a visitor's visa. This superb letter reads, in small part: "...[I seek] to raise the dance again to a peak religious art, to that height where she might rejoin hands with her sister arts, music, sculpture and poetry, and where she might again take her rightful place as the chorus or lyric soul of tragedy... to rediscover... that heroic impulse which should embody all the aspirations of a People toward the ideal of great and harmonious life... a conception simpler and sterner than the old optimistic frivolous conception of the ballet, to teach them that the beauty of a moving figure lies in its intention, and not in the expertness of its gymnastic evolutions... no movement in itself or for itself is beautiful... my school is as much a revolution from the ballet, as your government is from the system of the czars - you wish to do away with shams and spread true and great life about you - not for the few but for all... Great art comes from the people, and great art is for the people...I would come to Russia to teach your children to dance, but no dancer is worthy to be taught a child unless it is such a dance that will express the divinity of that child's life... begin with at least a hundred boys and a hundred girls, under the age of 8 or 9 years... their artistic education should be completely under my direction My school should be recognized as a national institution and be assured a permanent future... I can assure you in return that after five years or so of work you will possess a school of the dance that will be worthy of Russia, and of the high ideal of humanity and beauty to which you are endeavoring to direct her... In closing, I send you the greeting of an idealist to an idealist..." Much more important content in this fantastic letter! Boldly signed with a huge signature, files holes at top and left margins, else very good to fine condition. Duncan apparently was granted her impassioned request, as she did indeed open a successful school of dance in the Soviet Union. $800-1,200 0009. --9627 Афиша Владивостока http://150vl.ru/new/fotogallereya/svidetelstva_proschlogo_/afischa/ 0008. --9631 Рампа и актёръ, 1909 год, Москва. Номер журнала посвящён Айседоре Дункан. http://vk.com/feed?w=wall-72953358_150 http://cs617230.vk.me/v617230328/ff23/8yst4aG9H4Q.jpg 0011. Афиша спектакля московской школы танцев Айседоры Дункан. 1922 г. https://www.rulit.me/books/ajsedora-dunkan-roman-odnoj-zhizni-read-234428-44.html 0012. Програмка выступления А. Дункан в Большом зале государственной Академической филармонии. 15 мая 1924 г. http://www.vnikitskom.ru/antique/auction/27/10009/ http://www.vnikitskom.ru/antique/images/lots/24-172-998-10-02210982.jpg Solo performance with the Academic Philarmonic Orchestra. 15 May 1924, Leningrad http://isadoraduncan.orchesis-portal.org/images/Photographers/LifeIntoArt159small.jpg http://isadoraduncan.orchesis-portal.org/index.php/posters 0015. --9633 At the height of her fame in Europe, Isadora appeared in Rome. http://isadoraduncan.orchesis-portal.org/images/Photographers/LifeIntoArt119L.jpg 0016. --9634 Isadora presented her six senior pupils in her spectacular choreography of Gluck's Orpheus. The great tragedian Mounet-Sully, whom she had so idolised when she first arrived in Paris, joined them. Spring, 1913 http://isadoraduncan.orchesis-portal.org/images/Printed_Material/LifeIntoArt121L.jpg 0017. --9635 Isadora Duncan. Walter Rummel http://isadoraduncan.orchesis-portal.org/images/Printed_Material/LifeIntoArt143small.jpg 0018. Isadora Duncan 1928 photo My Life autobiography book release vintage print ad http://www.ebay.ie/itm/1928-Isadora-Duncan-photo-My-Life-autobiography-book-release-vintage-print-ad-/361414486580 http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/Nzg0WDQ1MA==/z/7iYAAOSwZjJU5PUR/$_57.JPG 0019. --9625-1249 The San Francisco Chronicle article announcing the return of internationally acclaimed dancer Isadora Duncan to her hometown. Born in a building at Geary and Taylor in 1877, Duncan appears on the Columbia stage in A Chopin Recital in 1918. Photo courtesy Museum of Performance and Design. http://actf.convio.net/press/landmark_celebration.html http://actf.convio.net/press/photos/centennial_8_print.jpg 0032. Сын Принципа, сын Откровения Жоржа Делакиса, 1921 Isadora Duncan - Son principe, son reve by Georges Delaquys, 1921 https://hprints.com/s_img/s_ov/42/42549-isadora-duncan-1921-dancer-artists-career-ov1-573d1530ea5d-hprints-com.jpg https://hprints.com/s_img/s_md/42/42549-isadora-duncan-1921-dancer-artists-career-c7592138580f-hprints-com.jpg https://hprints.com/en/item/42549/Isadora-Duncan-1921-Dancer-Artists-Career 0041. --9622 0042. --9623 0043. --9624 Authentic original newspapers http://www.rarenewspapers.com/view/575913?imagelist=1 1927 Isadora Duncan freak accident death..... THE DETROIT NEWS, Michigan, September 15, 1927 0044. --9629 Duncan Seventeen Omaha Morning World Herald 09.15.1927 0045. --9701-2025 Duncan, Isadora. (1877 - 1927). 1915 Dance Program. A very uncommon original Metropolitan Opera House program, featuring Duncan "and her Girl Pupils" performing in a program titled "Dionysion / Drama, Music, Dancing." In fine condition. https://www.schubertiademusic.com/details/multiple_catalogs:yes/desc:Duncan,+Isadora.+(1877+-+1927) 0046. --9021 Academy of Music [APRIL 19] Isadora Duncan Dancers & GEORGE COPELAND 0047. --9702 0048. --9703-2078 Carnegie Hall, March 13, 1920. Creator(s): Copeland, George, 1882-1971 -- Musician Source: Isadora Duncan Dancers programs. Source Description: 8 programs : b&w, col. ; 30 x 24 cm. or smaller. Location: The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts / Jerome Robbins Dance Division http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?y99b1177_20031301 0055. --9710-2086 Le coq rouge (end); Isadora Duncan / G.R. (1927-1928) Location: Stephen A. Schwarzman Building / Slavic and Baltic Division http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?1560598 0056. --9711-2087 Panorama (cont'd). Isadora Duncan / G.R. ; Vilem Zavada: Panichida / B.V. (1927-1931) Additional Name(s): Devetsil (Society) -- Editor Teige, Karel, 1900-1951 -- Editor Location: Stephen A. Schwarzman Building / Slavic and Baltic Division http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?1591105 Creator(s): Copeland, George, 1882-1971 -- Musician Source: Isadora Duncan Dancers programs. Location: The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts / Jerome Robbins Dance Division 0057. --9712 0058. --9713 0059. --9714 9715--9715-2147 Carnegie Hall, June 27, 1918. (1918-1920) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?y99b1177_18062701 0062. --9717 0063. --9718-2152 The Art Society of Pittsburgh, December 13, 1918. (1918-1920) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?y99b1177_18121301 0064. --9719 0065. --9720 0066. --9721-2156 Fairpark Coliseum, November 10 [1919?] http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?y99b1177_19111001 0067. --9722 0068. --9723-2158 Auditorium Opera House, Oakland, Cal. Dec. 1st, 1919. (1918-1920) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?y99b1177_19120101 0069. --9724 0070. --9725 0071. --9726-2159 Metropolitan Opera House, April 6, 1920. (1918-1920) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?y99b1177_20040601 0072. --9727 0073. --9728 0074. --9729 0075. --9730-2162 Poli's Theatre, April 21. (1918-1920) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?y99b1177_20042101 0076. --9731 0077. --9732 0078. --9733 0079. --9734-2166 Carnegie Hall, March 12, 1920. (1918-1920) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?y99b1177_20051201 0094-0095-0096. Balbusso Anna and Elena http://www.balbusso.com https://www.facebook.com/balbusso.twins/photos_stream http://www.balbusso.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=202:2014-event-our-images-qisadora-duncanq-on-show-&catid=1:news&Itemid=98 "ISADORA DUNCAN" 2006 by Sabina Colloredo, Edizioni EL http://www.balbusso.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=45&Itemid=101&limitstart=20 http://www.behance.net/gallery/13677211/ISADORA-DUNCAN-exhibition-and-book The exhibition "On the toes and bare feet: dance in children's literature", edited by Giannino Stoppani Cultural Cooperative. The exhibition features illustrations of children books dedicated to "dance" by Anna and Elena Balbusso, Eva mountaineers, Vladimir Radunsky. The illustrations of the book "Isadora Duncan" by Sabina Colloredo, Edizioni El 2006. Testoni Theater, Bologna. 0097. --2232 Н.М.Чернышев. Школа Дункан. 1924 0104. Soir Antique (1908) by Alphone Osbert (1857-1939), one of many artists inspired by Isadora Duncan. 0106. --2475 0107. --2476 Фредерик Лейтон - Танец 0108. --2477 Лорд Фредерик Лейтон. Девушки-гречанки, собирающие гальку (Leighton, Lord Frederick) http://gallerix.ru/storeroom/320650295/N/395402301/ http://video.yandex.ru/users/idvm/view/49/ 0112. --2416 Ernest Bieler - Les Bacchantes (1905) 0114. --2605 Wellington Jarard Reynolds (American, b. 1869) http://www.artnet.com/artists/wellington-jarard-reynolds/isadora-duncan-and-her-dancers-vaWCtJQQiRH6DEVrnq0tcw2 0116. --2418 Танцовщицы. Франц фон Штук. 1896 0117. Auguste Rodin, Loie Fuller, 1893 http://theredlist.com/media/database/muses/icon/cinema_women/loie_fuller/08_loie_fuller-theredlist.jpg http://theredlist.com/wiki-2-24-525-770-925-view-1900s-1-profile-loie-full.html 0118. --2415 Loie Fuller 0120. --2609 Actors' Fund 1917 0121. --2576 Чернышев - Фурия (1912) http://maslovka.info/images/555/CHE-31.jpg 0122. --2577 Чернышев - Вакханка [Baccante] (1915) http://maslovka.info/images/555/CHE-30.jpg 0123. --2411 Two women running on the beach (The race), Deux femmes courant sur la plage (La course), 1922 Пабло Пикассо - Две женщины, бегущие по пляжу (Бег), 1922 http://picassolive.ru/blog/pictures/pablo-pikasso-dve-zhenshhiny-begushhie-po-plyazhu-beg-1922/ Curtain for The Blue Train (Rideau pour Le train bleu, 1924) Пабло Пикассо - Занавес к балету Голубой экспресс (1924) http://picassolive.ru/blog/pictures/pablo-pikasso-zanaves-k-baletu-goluboj-ekspress-1924/ http://www.francemagazine.org/articles/issue105/article363.asp?issue_id=105&article_id=363 Огромный задник (опускной занавес), 10 х 12 м, к спектаклю Голубой экспресс Русских балетов Дягилева - это не аутентичная работа Пикассо, а увеличенная копия его небольшой, всего 32 х 41 см, гуаши Женщины, бегущие по пляжу, 1922. Копия была выполнена российским театральным художником Александром Шервашидзе, и Пикассо счел ее настолько точной, что поставил на ней свою авторскую подпись. 0126. --2417 Alfons Maria Mucha - Maud Adams as Joan of Arc, ca. (1909) 0127. --2419 Beethoven Autograph, Ode to Joy, 1933 by Ilse Bing 0128. --2607 The Spirit of the Dunes by James Wallace Pondelicek. Posed by Bozena Pondelicek in Theatre, November 1920. 0129. --2573 Чюрленис - Жертва 0137. --2481 Colors In Motion http://tunicsintexas.blogspot.ru/2011/01/beauty-technology-and-colors-in-motion.html http://www.colorsinmotion.com/experiences.html http://vimeo.com/colorsinmotion/videos http://www.facebook.com/pages/Colors-In-Motion/145663548786350 0138. --2608 Майя Новикова (рисунок) 0139. --9008 http://dantebea.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/auguste-rodin-danseuse-aquarelle1.jpg http://dantebea.com/category/danse-2/isadora-duncan-danse/ https://www.facebook.com/dante.bea.5/photos 0140. --9813 0141. --9814 March 8, 1908 http://mpra.info/news/mpra/1632-Pozdravliaem-nashih-sester-s-8-marta---dnem-borbi-za-osvobojdenie-jenshin March 8, 1914 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=783041765057376 0143. --9802 Innovative Choreographers, the U.S. http://store.usps.com/store/browse/productDetailSingleSku.jsp?productId=S_469174&categoryId=forever-stamps http://store.usps.com/store/browse/productDetailSingleSku.jsp?productId=S_469176&categoryId=stamp-collectors http://newyorktheater.me/2012/07/28/innovative-choreographers-stamps-all-4-broadway-veterans-20-2/ Postal Service pays tribute to four influential choreographers who changed the art of dance: Isadora Duncan, Jose Limon, Katherine Dunham, and Bob Fosse. 0158. --9009 Sonja Burton - My Dearest Isadora https://500px.com/photo/39040624/my-dearest-isadora-by-sonja-burton 0164. --2221 (Isadora Duncan) : 1) 1934, 2) 1959 : FENTON Beatrice, 1887-1983 (USA) http://www.artvalue.com/auctionresult--fenton-beatrice-1887-1983-usa-1-untitled-2-untitled-isadora-2379728.htm 0165. --2206 The Musee Bourdelle in Paris has recently mounted an exposition titled "Isadora Duncan: Une Sculpteur Vivante" which included images of the present 1904 sculpture by Walter Schott. https://www.schubertiademusic.com/details/multiple_catalogs:yes/desc:Duncan,+Isadora.+(1877+-+1927) 0184. --2604 Godefroid Devreese (Belgian, 1861–1941) http://www.artnet.com/artists/godefroid-devreese/isadora-duncan-rHm60rw2cxibaAX7HCkLfA2 0189. --2616 Abraham Walkowitz (American, 1878-1965) Portrait of Isadora Duncan http://www.christies.com/lotfinder/drawings-watercolors/abraham-walkowitz-portrait-of-isadora-duncan-5818578-details.aspx http://www.christies.com/lotfinderimages/d58185/d5818578x.jpg 0194. Сумасшедшая Девица (Антверпен) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:20110928_wouters06.jpg?uselang=ru Скульптура жены Рика Воутерса. Вдохновением для этой скульптуры было исполнение Дункан. Rik Wouters, "The Mad Virgin", 1912, The Sart-Tilman Open-air Museum, Colonster Castle, University of Liege, Belgium. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:20110928_wouters06.jpg Isadora Duncan born Angela Isadora Duncan (May 27, 1878 - September 14, 1927) was an American dancer. She is considered the Mother of Modern Dance. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Isadora_Duncan Rik Wouters (1882-1916, Belgium) | Middelheimpark | Middelheim museum | Antwerp http://www.middelheimmuseum.be/en/page/rik-wouters-belgium Wouters became inspired for this sculpture when he and Nel visited a 1907 performance by the American modern dance pioneer {Isadora Duncan} in the {Muntschouwburg} in Brussels. http://www.popflock.com/learn?s=The_Mad_Maiden_(Rik_Wouters) 0197. --2598 Emile Antoine Bourdelle (French, 1861–1929) - Eloquence (Study for the Soca monument after Isadora Duncan), 1939 http://www.artnet.com/artists/emile-antoine-bourdelle/eloquence-study-for-the-soca-monument-after-A0D34fxu34iy0xX_62Zwwg2 1195. Isadora Duncan 1913 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/de/9/9c/Duncan_1913.jpg 0198. --2599 Emile Antoine Bourdelle (French, 1861–1929) - ISADORA DUNCAN, ETUDE POUR LE MONUMENT DU DOCTEUR SOCA http://www.artnet.com/artists/emile-antoine-bourdelle/isadora-duncan-etude-pour-le-monument-du-docteur-aLPjZsQwJxgqHyXYV7j5eA2 0199. --2600 Maurice Charpentier-Mio (French, 1881–1976) http://www.artnet.com/artists/maurice-charpentier-mio/isadora-duncan-S5PdlDFMDbzmRMq07S71Dw2 0200. --2601 Victor Rousseau (Belgian, 1865–1954) http://www.artnet.com/artists/victor-rousseau/isadora-duncan-0Htul70AyxgpZ87Ye6-TnA2 0201. --2602 Etienne Forestier (French) http://www.artnet.com/artists/etienne-forestier/dapres-isadora-duncan-XRbMSJE8bl9jisQdn4VwyA2 0202. --2603 Prince Paolo Troubetzkoy (Russian, 1866–1938) http://www.artnet.com/artists/prince-paolo-troubetzkoy/isadora-duncan-danseuse-jambe-droite-relevee-ZTFc-iRlUWEpsVgh39mjxQ2 0204. --2526 SculpLovers - Marie Madeleine Gautier.1956.MX http://plus.google.com/+KolosOtlik/posts/8ALde8V8yNc 0205.2527 SculpLovers - Run by Han Meilin (China) http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/contemporary_art/han_meilin.php 0209.2430 Айседора Дункан. Резьба по дереву С. Коненкова. 1916 г. 0212.2233 Fragment de monument a Falcon : Isadora Duncan (1911) http://notesdemusees.blogspot.com/2010/10/egreville-bourdelle.html Эмиль Антуан Бурдель (фр. Emile Antoine Bourdelle; 30 октября 1861, Монтобан, Тарн и Гаронна — 1 октября 1929, Ле-Везине, Ивелин) — французский скульптор, ученик О. Родена. http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/3944113/post158369632 0216.2172 0217.2173 Bellevue 0242.9925 Bellevue 0245. Isadora Duncan Street, San Francisco Isadora Duncan Street Sign, Union Square https://www.flickr.com/photos/mateox/36126088406/in/photostream/ Ex-Adelaide Street Union Square, San Francisco The street is named for dancer Isadora Duncan (1878–1927) who was born in a house nearby. © Matthew X. Kiernan NYBAI17-5284 0263.9919 0264.9920 0265.9921 Patrick & Deirdre [Death: Apr. 19, 1913, England] Pere Lachaise Cemetery; Cimetiere du Pere-Lachaise; 6, rue du Repos, Paris 20e, Paris; Phone: 01 43 70 70 33 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cimeti%C3%A8re-du-P%C3%A8re-Lachaise/115813365514 0267. --9923 Isadora Duncan Original Marker 6796 (Pere Lachaise, Paris) Mary Dora Gray (1849-1922), Isadora's mother at Pere Lachaise (6921) 6921, Isadora's mother, Mary Dora Gray (1849-1922) 6805, PATRICK, 16 AVRIL 1913, 4 years; Patrick Singer Birth: 1910; 6793, DEIRDRE, 16 AVRIL 1913, 7 years; Deirdre Duncan Craig Birth: 1906; 6796, Isadora DUNCAN, 1877-1927, 50 years 0281. http://cs543101.vk.me/v543101782/1366a/kIffCAKOT6A.jpg Duncan was influential with Diaghileff's Ballet Russe. Афиша рекламирует балет, которого не было ни до, ни после, ни во время 1912 года. Мы видим стиль танца Дункан, но Дункан никогда не выступала в сезонах Дягилева. http://vk.com/inspiration.ballet 0282. DANCE MAGAZINE 1929 Art Deco Jazz Age Ballet Isadora Duncan article Lots photos http://www.ebay.ie/itm/DANCE-MAGAZINE-1929-Art-Deco-Jazz-Age-Ballet-Isadora-Duncan-article-Lots-photos-/221930001160 http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTI3OFgxMDEy/z/93oAAOSwA4dWN2xY/$_57.JPG http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTAwMFgxMzEx/z/emwAAOSw5ZBWN29Q/$_57.JPG 0293. Афиша "Театр оперы С. И. Зимина. Последний прощальный вечер Айседоры Дункан". М.: Типография Императорских Московских Театров и Товарищество Скоропечатни А. А. Левенсон, 1913. http://www.vnikitskom.ru/antique/auction/41/16114/ http://www.vnikitskom.ru/antique/images/lots/37-010-1380-10-09049487.jpg Прощальный "концерт" Айседоры Дункан собрал в Солодовниковский театр еще меньшее количество публики, чем три дня назад. Вечер прошел со средним успехом. http://starosti.ru/article.php?id=8457 0294. Carnegie Hall - Duncan-Damrosch Tour - Symphonic Music and the Dance 0295. "Жизнь замечательных идей. Известные люди глазами неизвестных художников" http://www.naivno.com/1760i._Zhizn_zamechatelnyh_idey._Izvestnye_lyudi_glazami_hudozhnikov_.htm 0296. 1 May. Long live International Workers’ Day! S.Ivanov, 1920. 1920 г. Иванов С. 1-е мая. Да здравствует праздник трудящихся всех стран! http://my-ussr.ru/images/plakaty/prazdniki/1-maya/1920-ivanov-maya-zdravstvuet-prazdnik-trudyaschihsya-vseh-stran-2.jpg http://my-ussr.ru/soviet-posters/holidays/133-posters-of-the-ussr-for-the-holidays-international-workers-solidarity-day-may-1.html 0297. https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/disp/b35b149051881.560c7dd0a5e72.jpg https://www.behance.net/gallery/9051881/Afiche-Identificador-Visual-(Isadora-Duncan) 0298. https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/disp/e5ea5810983701.560eef8594d43.jpg https://www.behance.net/gallery/10983701/Isadora-Duncan https://www.behance.net/Maissa-Maria 0304. Horae Serenae, Sir Edward John Poynter 0307. Юность Бахуса, 1884 Greece William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905), La Jeunesse de Bacchus, The Youth of Bacchus (1884) https://www.meisterdrucke.ru/kunstwerke/500px/William_Adolphe_Bouguereau_-_The_youth_of_Bacchus_La_jeunesse_de_Bacchus_1884_-_%28MeisterDrucke-743012%29.jpg http://1uyxqn3lzdsa2ytyzj1asxmmmpt-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/10067-Bouguereau-La-Jeunesse-de-Bacchus.jpg http://img.over-blog-kiwi.com/1/17/97/57/20190911/ob_be6fae_expo-bouguereau.jpg http://www.hellenicgods.org/Twelve-Days-of-Dionysos 0308. Delphic Games ` Delphi Greece http://www.idii.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Delphi_Greece_lightcropped.jpg http://www.idii.org/event/festival-delphic-games-2017/ THE ECUMENICAL DELPHIC UNION present Festival of the Delphic Games Dimitri Vassilakis info@dimitriosvassilakis.com 0309. Bas relief de la Rome Antique : Cinq danseuses devant un portique a pilastres corinthiens dites Danseuses Borghese http://cartelfr.louvre.fr/pub/fr/image/40799_AG016990.001.jpg 0312. AUREA DE SARRA-ISADORA DUNCAN 1928 2 HOJAS REVISTA https://www.todocoleccion.net/coleccionismo-revistas-periodicos/aurea-sarra-isadora-duncan-1928-2-hojas-revista~x26685911#sobre_el_lote Arthur Bowen Davies 0313. Edmund Gomanski, Isadora Duncan, German Jugendstil Bronze Sculpture, circa 1903 https://www.1stdibs.com/furniture/decorative-objects/sculptures/figurative-sculptures/jugendstil-bronze-sculpture-isadora-duncan-edmund-gomanski/id-f_7876563/ 0314. Уильям Моррис Хант (Hunt William Morris), который повлиял на эстетику костюмов Дункан https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/fr/cp0/e15/q65/23668895_10214716868260570_2452497061431413726_o.jpg 0315. QUOTABLE NOTABLES - blank note card with sticker quotes 0319. 0357. https://www.nypl.org/sites/default/files/dscn9287.jpg https://www.nypl.org/sites/default/files/dscn9363.jpg "A Dream of Universal Peace," January 25, 1933. Walter Damrosch papers, *MNY-Amer. (Damrosch, Walter), box 23. https://www.nypl.org/sites/default/files/img_1659.jpg https://www.nypl.org/sites/default/files/img_1660.jpg October 10, 1908 contract between Walter Damrosch and Isadora Duncan. Walter Damrosch papers, *MNY-Amer. (Damrosch, Walter), box 6 https://www.nypl.org/blog/2017/05/01/isadora-duncan-and-her-collaborators Duncan’s later collaboration with the German-American orchestra conductor Walter Damrosch (1862–1950) is well-documented in several of the Library’s collections, and offers exciting insights into her effort to bring dance up to the artistic level of European concert music. Damrosch first saw Duncan when she returned to the United States in 1908. In spite of her poor showing at the Criterion Theater in New York that summer, Damrosch invited Duncan to perform with his New York Symphony Orchestra, giving the dancer a much-needed boost in prestige with New York audiences and critics. The impromptu agreement for their first set of concerts is written in Damrosch’s hand on New York Symphony Orchestra Fund stationary and signed by both. 0342. Fairy Dance by Hans Zatzka Hans Zatzka (Austrian, 1859–1945) - Fairy Dance Goddess Semi Nude Nymphs Group of Lovely Girls, 1900s https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81FVRocd0DL._SL1500_.jpg https://assets.catawiki.nl/assets/2019/2/23/b/3/8/b387d1c1-ff67-4148-880d-79d7f9b5ec12.jpg 0354. Isadorables by Malcolm McKesson http://www.greyart.com/sites/default/files/artwork_pictures/mckesson_109.jpg http://www.greyart.com/artwork/isadorables 0358. 0363. Cesare_Laurenti_Fioritura_nuova_1897_Fondazione_Musei_C. 0364. IPHIGENIE von GLUCK 0370. Oblivious to the Battle, She Dances Her Own Dance Не обращая внимания на битву, она танцует свой танец https://live.staticflickr.com/431/18834918163_21f9fc7ca9_b.jpg https://www.flickr.com/photos/desertloca/18834918163/ 0372. https://lisa.ru/images/cache/2020/7/22/widen_960_crop_1000_645_0_34_q90_985782_5bc5f3aaff1052b8710e62f05.webp https://lisa.ru/psichologia/realnye-istorii/647142-strast-i-tanec-istoriya-yarkoj-zhizni-ajsedory-dunkan/ Страсть и танец: история яркой жизни Айседоры Дункан 0374. Коробка, в которой Айседора Дункан хранила папиросы. Слева: Freshie/TOWELETTES. На обороте инструкция по применению на английском языке и название фирмы производителя: TRE FRESHIE COMPANY inc. 433 FOURTH AVE. NEW YORK. The box in which Isadora Duncan kept cigarettes. https://goskatalog.ru/portal/#/collections?id=21615363 https://goskatalog.ru/muzfo-imaginator/rest/images/original/22970355?originalName=4534113.jpg Местонахождение: Государственный музей истории российской литературы имени В.И.Даля. 0381. Скульптор Паоло Трубецкой. Танцовщица Тамара Свирская. 1911. Бронза. Тамара Николаевна Свирская (1883-1972) известная в нач. XX в. исполнительница пластических танцев, ученица Айседоры Дункан. Трубецкой увидел Свирскую в одном из спектаклей и немедленно взялся за динамичное изображение «босоножки». В этой фигуре соединились импрессионизм и русский модерн. https://www.myvirtualmuseum.ru/text/moscow/gtg/troubetzkoy.htm * Location: The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts / Jerome Robbins Dance Division 1001. Isadora Duncan and Edward Gordon Craig. 1904. http://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/8782bb4f-64ae-dda2-e040-e00a1806496c In Berlin about Xmas time when we had taken shelter with Elise de Brouckere 1002.1193. Gordon Craig & Isadora Duncan | Гордон Крэг и Айседора Дункан https://i2.wp.com/lelyf.gorod.tomsk.ru/posts-files/70/329/i/a69b5e3d971c.jpg https://kulturologia.ru/files/u19001/Isadora-Duncan-6.jpg https://kulturologia.ru/files/u19001/Isadora-Duncan-7.jpg https://kulturologia.ru/blogs/280517/34692/ 1002. Duncan, Isadora 167 / photographic reproduction of originals by Schloss. [Allan Ross MacDougall Collection.] (1899) Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 167) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0167V 1004. Paris Eugene Singer | Парис Юджин Зингер https://i0.wp.com/lelyf.gorod.tomsk.ru/posts-files/70/329/i/na_yahte.jpg https://kulturologia.ru/files/u19001/Isadora-Duncan-8.jpg 1006. Isadora Duncan by Friedrich Kaulbach (1822-1903). Munich, 1902. Дункан Каульбаха, 1902. Фоторепродукция рисунка с Айседорой Дункан художника Фридриха Каульбаха. Мюнхен, 1902 год. Фридрих Вильгельм Христиан Теодор Каульбах (нем. Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Theodor Kaulbach). http://izbrannoe.com/upload/sotbit.htmleditoraddition/07c/07c8e059ac9697e15f6bb3f3e580b7bc.jpg http://izbrannoe.com/news/lyudi/redkie-fotografii-aysedory-dunkan-iz-arkhiva-nyu-yorkskoy-publichnoy-biblioteki/ 1009. Duncan, Isadora : 1900 Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 176) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0176V 1013. Isadora in La Primavera. Paris, ca. 1900. 1015. Isadora Duncan, 1902 (1877 San Francisco, USA - 1927 Nizza) : Adolf Baumann, Munchen https://imageapi.khm.at/images/406206/FS_PK173217alt-400.jpg https://www.theatermuseum.at/en/onlinesammlung/detail/406206/ https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/orig-27-isadora-duncan-car-death-by-scarf-ballet 1016. Isadora 1898 by Jacob Schloss 1021. Duncan, Isadora 65/ photograph by [Paul Berger] : 1908 Alternate Title: Irma Duncan Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 65) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0065V 1022. Isadora Duncan : Athen, Dionysostheater https://www.theatermuseum.at/onlinesammlung/detail/1291417/ Tanzend im Dionysostheater. Die Aufnahme stammt von ihrem Bruder Raymond. Datierung: 1903 Isadora Duncan (1877 San Francisco, USA - 1927 Nizza) : Raymond Duncan (1874 San Francisco - 1966 Cavalaire-sur-Mer, Frankreich) : Inv. Nr.: FS_PK277723alt 1024. Duncan, Isadora 64 / photograph by Paul Berger : 1908 Alternate Title: Irma Duncan Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 64) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0064V 1028. Duncan, Isadora 80 / photograph, no credit given. [Gift of Mary Fanton Roberts, Dec. 1953.] (ca. 1912) Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 80) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0080V 1036. Duncan, Isadora 59 / cabinet photograph by Gessford, Joseph G. : 1908 Alternate Title: Irma Duncan Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 59) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0059VA 1038 Duncan, Isadora : ca. 1908 Alternate Title: Irma Duncan Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 58) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0058VB 1040. Isadora Duncan : studies (between 1915 and 1918) Creator: Genthe, Arnold, 1869-1942 -- Photographer Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 87-290 http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0006V 1041. Duncan, Isadora Alternate Title: Allan Ross MacDougall Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 48) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0048V 1048. Isadora Duncan. Paris, 1901 (Raymond Duncan) 1051 Isadora as 'THE PRIESTESS' in 'Iphigenia in Tauris' by Gluck (1903) 1053. Isadora in her castle in Meudon (France). Ca. 1910. https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/isadora-duncan-american-dancer-considered-as-the-creator-of-news-photo/526616218 https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/isadora-duncan-american-dancer-considered-as-the-creator-of-modern-picture-id526616218?s=2048x2048 1060. Miss Isadora Duncan by Jacques Baugnies, 1911 https://rachelhopecleves.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/img_3737.jpg http://rachelhopecleves.com/2014/05/05/iced-oysters-and-iced-champagne-the-life-of-isadora-duncan/ 1061. Wood Nymphs (1924) http://www.shorpy.com/node/15874 http://www.shorpy.com/node/15874?size=_original#caption http://www.shorpy.com/files/images/SHORPY_30132a1.jpg Washington, D.C., circa 1924. "Dancers." Welcome to the Stevie Nicks Day Camp for Girls. Harris & Ewing Collection glass negative. http://www.shorpy.com/search/node/Isadora+Duncan 1062. Duncan, Isadora. (1877-1927). Rare Original Photograph. A superb original unattributed photograph of the great dancer and choreographer - one of the major inovators of the medium. Duncan was rarely photographed and Max Eastman said of her: "It was never easy to coax Isadora Duncan into a photographer's studio. Like a wild and wise animal, she fled from those who sought to capture the essence of her - which was motion - by making her stand still. https://www.schubertiademusic.com/details/multiple_catalogs:yes/desc:Duncan,+Isadora.+(1877+-+1927 1063 Duncan, Isadora 172 / photograph by Paul Berger : [1908?] Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 172) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0172V Duncan, Isadora 63/ photograph by Paul Berger Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 63) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0063V 1064. Duncan, Isadora 62 / photograph by Paul Berger : 1908 Alternate Title: Gift of Mary Fanton Roberts, Dec. 1953. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 62) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0062V 1065. Айседора Дункан с Сергеем Есениным и приемной дочерью Ирмой Дункан в день бракосочетания 2 мая 1922 г. Брак оформили в ЗАГСе Хамовнического района Москвы. https://s00.yaplakal.com/pics/pics_original/3/0/5/15519503.jpg http://www.museum.ru/alb/image.asp?16571 1067. Duncan, Isadora 60 : 1908 Creator: Berger, Paul -- Photographer Alternate Title: Irma Duncan Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 60) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0060VB 1068. Duncan, Isadora 61 / photograph by Paul Berger : 1908 Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 61) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0061V 1074. Isadora Duncan : studies (between 1915 and 1918) Creator: Genthe, Arnold, 1869-1942 -- Photographer Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 87-290 http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0007VA 1075. Duncan, Isadora 52 / photograph by Elvira : 1904 Alternate Title: Irma Duncan Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 52) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0052V 1077. Dover_Street_Studios_-_Miss_Isadora_Duncan_late_19th_century_-_(MeisterDrucke-764473) Duncan, Isadora 51 / photograph, no credit given : ca. 1903 Alternate Title: Irma Duncan Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 51) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0051V 1080. Duncan, Isadora 49 / photograph, no credit given : ca. 1908 Alternate Title: Gift of Mary Fanton Roberts, Dec. 1953. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 49) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0049V Isadora Duncan : studies (between 1915 and 1918) Creator: Genthe, Arnold, 1869-1942 -- Photographer 1093. Isadora & Irma Duncan Dancers 2 Clipped from The Indianapolis Star, 24 Nov 1929, Sun, Page 67 https://www.newspapers.com/clip/12812013/isadora_irma_duncan_dancers_2/ 1095. ARNOLD GENTHE. Isadora in Ave Maria. Photographs from the Kay Bardsley collection. 1098. Duncan, Isadora 108 / photograph by Arnold Genthe : 1916 Alternate Title: Gift of Mary Fanton Roberts. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 108) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0108V 1099. Portrait of Isadora Duncan, by Arnold Genthe. Photograph. Encyclopaedia Britannica Image Quest. http://weallwenttoparis.com/isadore-duncan 1100. Duncan, Isadora 109 / photograph by Arnold Genthe : 1916 Alternate Title: Irma Duncan Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 109) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0109V 1101. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 87-290 http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0005V 1102. Duncan, Isadora 72 / photograph, no credit given : 1910 Alternate Title: Irma Duncan Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 72) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0072VA 1104. Duncan, Isadora : 1919 Isadora Duncan at the Bellevue school, France. Alternate Title: Irma Duncan Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 124) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0124V 1107. Нимфа Дункан в поле тыкв. Для тех, кто все еще сомневается в том, что у Дункан было чувство юмора и самоуничижения ;-) В дадайсанте нимфа в поле тыкв! https://www.facebook.com/LesTanagras/photos/a.846357535733415/846357245733444/?type=3&theater https://m.facebook.com/LesTanagras 1112 Isadora Duncan on the Lido in Venice, 1903 (Raymond Duncan) 1113 Anna Duncan dancing on a beach. Anna Duncan, Isadorables, Isadora Duncan, Arnold Genthe by HistoricalFindings http://www.amazon.com/Photo-Duncan-Isadorables-Isadora-Arnold/dp/B005Q3GYF6/ref=sr_1_2?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1390720698&sr=1-2&keywords=Isadora+Duncan http://www.amazon.com/Photo-Duncan-Isadorables-Isadora-Arnold/dp/B005Q3GYF6/ref=sr_1_2 .. Lisa Duncan dancing on a beach. Лиза Дункан танцует на берегу моря. .. Duncan, Isadora 179 / photograph by Arnold Genthe. (ca. 1915) Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 179) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0179v This is not Isadora Duncan! 1115, 1116, 1117, 1199, 1209, 1210, 1211 Edward Steichen – Isadora Duncan at the Portal of the Parthenon, Athens, 1921 http://www.afterimagegallery.com/steichentice.htm http://www.afterimagegallery.com/steichenisadoraduncan.htm 1116 http://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/17451856_steichen-edward-isadora-duncan-at-the-portal-of-the-p "Isadora Duncan at the Portal of the Parthenon". 1920/printed 2000. Hand-pulled photogravure from the original negative on Lana Gravure paper. 23 x 18,5 cm (51 x 40 cm). Jon Goodman's monogram blindstamp lower right corner; signed by Jon Goodman in pencil on the verso. From the portfolio edition "Edward Steichen: The Early Years 1900-1927" by Aperture, one of 1000 numbered copies, with colophon sheet. This image, a result of a chance meeting of Steichen and Duncan in Venice, is probably one of the most famous photographs made of Isadora Duncan. This hand-pulled photogravure was made by means of the Talbot-Klich process. The dust-grain copper plate was made by Jon Goodman from an original negative provided by Edward Steichen. – In excellent condition. Lit.: Edward Steichen. A Life in Photography. New York 1963, ill. pl. 86. 1122 Duncan, Isadora 106 / snapshot photograph, no credit given : April, 1916 Alternate Title: Irma Duncan Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 106) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0106V 1123 Duncan, Isadora 107 / photograph, no credit given : July, 1916 Alternate Title: Irma Duncan Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 107) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0107V 1124 Duncan, Isadora 115 / snapshot, no credit given : Jan, 1917 Alternate Title: Allan Ross MacDougall Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 115) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0115VB 1125 Duncan, Isadora 116 / postcard, no credit given : 1917 Alternate Title: Alan Ross MacDougall Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 116) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0116VA 1126 Duncan, Isadora 123 / photograph, no credit given Alternate Title: Irma Duncan Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 123) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0123V 1127. Duncan, Isadora 133 / photograph, no credit given : 1921 Alternate Title: Allan Ross MacDougall Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 133) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0133V 1128. Duncan, Isadora 134 / photograph, no credit given : 1921 Alternate Title: Allan Ross MacDougall Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 134) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0134V 1129. Duncan, Isadora 135 / photograph, no credit given : ca. 1922 Alternate Title: Allan Ross MacDougall Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 135) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0135V Айседора Дункан около своей дачи под Москвой. 1922 г. 1130. Walter Schott, whose sculpture of Isadora Duncan appears on a pedestal behind the group, Isadora and Mrs. Dora Duncan, Isadora's mother photograph by Ottomar Anseltin, 1903. \ Фотография Уолтера Шотта, чья скульптура Айседоры Дункан стоит на пьедестале позади группы, Айседоры и госпожи Доры Дункан, матери Айседоры, 1903 год. https://www.flickr.com/photos/quelitab/5941301325/ https://live.staticflickr.com/6006/5941301325_0075e948e1_o_d.jpg 1137. Anna and Lisa Duncan https://dantebea.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/anna-and-lisa-duncan.jpg?w=549 1139. В студии Айседоры Дункан. 1926 г. Alternate Title: Irma Duncan Collection. 1141. Duncan, Isadora 117 / photograph by Arnold Genthe : c1917 Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 117) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0117VB [Isadora Duncan and Group] Artist/Maker: Arnold Genthe (American, 1869 - 1942) Culture: American; Place: United States (Place created); Date: about 1917; Group portrait centered on Isadora Duncan, seated with her hands in her lap holding a crystal ball and gazing downwards. She is surrounded by six other female dancers who are posing in standing, kneeling, or sitting positions, and all gazing at her. In the background are four curtained windows and potted plants. http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/37382/arnold-genthe-isadora-duncan-and-group-american-about-1917/ 1142 Duncan, Isadora 119 / photograph by Apeda : 1917 Creator: Apeda Studio (New York, N.Y.) -- Photographer Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 119) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0119VB 1143 Duncan, Isadora 120 / photograph by Apeda : ca. 1917 Creator: Apeda Studio (New York, N.Y.) -- Photographer Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 120) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0120VA 1147 Duncan, Isadora 105 / photograph by Arnold Genthe : ca. 1915 Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 105) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0105V 1148 Duncan, Isadora 102 / photograph, no credit given : 1914 Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 102) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0102V 1149 Duncan, Isadora 103 / photograph, no credit given : 1914 Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 103) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0103V 1150 Duncan, Isadora 104 / photograph, no credit given : 1914 Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 104) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0104V 1151 Duncan, Isadora 121 / photograph by Apeda : ca. 1917 Creator: Apeda Studio (New York, N.Y.) -- Photographer Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 121) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0121VB 1152 Duncan, Isadora 136 / photograph, no credit given : 1921 Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 136) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0136V 1153 Duncan, Isadora 137 / photograph, no credit given : 1923 Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 137) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0137V 1154 Isadora Duncan Dances for the Italian War Relief Fund during World War I - ca. 1918 1158 Duncan, Isadora 181 / photograph by Arnold Genthe. (ca. 1916) Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 181) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0181V 1159 Duncan, Isadora 78 / photograph by Otto : 1912 Creator: Otto, 1849-1922 -- Photographer Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 78) Digital ID: ISADORA_0078V 1161. Duncan, Isadora 79 / photograph by Otto : 1912 Creator: Otto, 1849-1922 -- Photographer Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 79) Digital ID: ISADORA_0079V 1162. Duncan, Isadora 70 / snapshot photograph, no credit given : ca. 1907 Alternate Title: Allan Ross MacDougall Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 70) Digital ID: ISADORA_0070V 1163. Duncan, Isadora 71 / snapshot photograph, no credit given : ca. 1907 Alternate Title: Allan Ross MacDougall Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 71) Digital ID: ISADORA_0071V 1164. Айседора Дункан танцует в честь Родена, 30 июня 1903, Велизи Jean Limet - Isadora Duncan danse en l’honneur de Rodin, 30 juin 1903, Velizy https://static.tildacdn.com/tild3239-3161-4737-a461-363036646635/Ph742.jpg http://nofixedpoints.com/isadora_book 1165. Isadora with her pupils in her Paris apartment in 1910. Айседора Дункан и ее ученицы. Париж, 1910 г. 1167. Айседора и Ирма (стоит рядом с ней) с первыми ученицами школы танцев в Москве, Пречистинка 20, 1921 год. 1168. ISADORA WITH PUPILS FROM THE SCHOOL AT GRUNEWALD (L. TO R.): BACK ROW: MARIE, STEPHANIE, LUSANNE, ANNA, THERESA, IRMA, GERDA; MIDDLE ROW: LISA, ERICA, MARGOT, ISABEL; FRONT ROW: ELCOLEU, TEMPLE PHOTO: PAUL BERGER, PARIS, 1908 1170. https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/france-raymond-duncan-measuring-harmonic-intervals-on-news-photo/152233801 France, 1912, Raymond Duncan (brother of dancer Isadora Duncan) measuring harmonic intervals on Pythagore's monochord. \ Франция, Раймонд Дункан выверяет гармонические интервалы на монохорде Пифагора. 1178. Айседора Дункан и Сергей Есенин Берлин 1922 1182. Duncan, Isadora, 1877-1927. Collection: California Faces: Selections from The Bancroft Library Portrait Collection Charles L. Ritzmann [stamped on back] Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf7t1nb65p/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 1184. Isadora Duncan Dancing in an Amphitheatre in Athens http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Dance2.htm 1190. Есенин и Дункан у Бранденбургских ворот. Берлин. 1922 г. Isadora Duncan ja Sergei Jessenin by Carola Stern https://berlinskij.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Bildschirmfoto-2019-09-22-um-11.17.35.png https://berlinskij.de/2019/10/21/kunstwa%CC%88rts-folge-2-das-kulturleben-im-russischen-berlin-der-1920er/ Культурная жизнь русского Берлина в 1920-е годы #kunstwarts 1191. Айседора Дункан. 1880 г. 1192. Joseph Charles Duncan (1819-1898), Джозеф Чарлз Дункан, отец Айседоры. Mary Dora Gray (1849-1922), Мэри Дора Грэй Дункан, мать Айседоры [6921, Pere Lachaise, Paris]. 1198. Isadora Duncan : la danse de l'Avenir http://rusoch.fr/files/2010/01/021-isa.jpg 1201. Duncan Cabinet http://www.schubertiademusic.com/details/multiple_catalogs:yes/desc:Duncan,+Isadora.+(1877+-+1927) 1203. Duncan, Isadora by Paul Berger of Paris http://www.schubertiademusic.com/details/multiple_catalogs:yes/desc:Duncan,+Isadora 1204 Theatre of Dionysus, Athens (1903 by Raymond Duncan) Collection: California Faces: Selections from The Bancroft Library Portrait Collection Duncan, Isadora, 1877-1927. Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf6n39p26b/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 1205 Duncan, Isadora by Henri Manuel of Paris, issued by the Theatre Lyrique Municipal de la Gaite https://www.schubertiademusic.com/details/multiple_catalogs:yes/desc:Duncan,+Isadora.+(1877+-+1927) 1206 Duncan Dancers. Unusual Maurice Goldberg Photograph. https://www.schubertiademusic.com/details/multiple_catalogs:yes/desc:%5BDuncan,+Isadora%5D+Duncan+Dancers 1207 Duncan, Lisa. [Genthe, Arnold (1869-1942)] https://www.schubertiademusic.com/details/multiple_catalogs:yes/desc:Duncan,+Lisa.+[Genthe,+Arnold+(1869-1942) 1208 Мери Дести и Айседора на пляже. Жуан-ле-Пен. Сентябрь 1927 г. 1115, 1116, 1117, 1199, 1209, 1210, 1211 Isadora Duncan. At the Parthenon, 1920 (Edward Steichen) Edward Steichen - Isadora Duncan at the Acropolis, 1921 Ученицы Школы танца Айседоры Дункан, Москва, 1923 г.1225 Il corpo della donna e la propaganda sovietica Irma Duncan con le allieve della scuola di Isadora Duncan di Mosca; Seconda meta degli Anni Venti; Coll. P. Khoroshilov, Mosca http://www.repubblica.it/2006/08/gallerie/spettacoliecultura/nudo-stalin/13.html http://fotostrana.ru/public/post/237760/648076864/ 1215. Isadora Duncan in her Paris school, Bellevue http://thelegendofisadora.blogspot.ru/2014/08/isadora-duncan-in-her-paris-school.html The Bellevue mansion was a present to Isadora Duncan from Paris Zinger. It was build in 19th century on the Meudon hill by a rich trader. But after he went broke, it was sold and turned into a hotel. The mansion had 100 rooms and the view of Paris from the terrace. The gardens, which surrounded the building, came down to Seine. In 1912 Isadora established here her second school. The new pupils were recruited and some girls from Grundevald school joined them. Bellevue school was existing until 1914. During the war, Isadora gave her mansion to French government under the infirmary. 1221. Gordon Edward Craig and Isadora Duncan on a balcony at the Hotel Metropole, Brussels, 1905. 1226. Students from Duncan's French school. Salomes in the making - The Bystander, October 1908 1227. LISA Duncan (1898-1976) en 1931 1228. Isadora Duncan with daughter Deidre. The Digital Public Library of America. LIBRARY DIVISION, Jerome Robbins Dance Division COLLECTION, Craig-Duncan collection, 1901-1957. 1232. Isadora Duncan dancers photographed by Arnold Genthe 1915 1237. Французский офицер благодарит Айседору за то, что она предоставила виллу Бельвю французскому правительству под госпиталь. 1914 г. 1238. Isadora Duncan and her pupils: Irma, Lisa and Margot in Thebes, Greece, 1920 http://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/87fde97e-e978-deb2-e040-e00a18061db3 1239. Isadora Duncan dancers. Beach, 1910 https://m.facebook.com/Seymour.Inc/photos/a.168822983164697.33325.168818289831833/1547267485320233/ 1245. The Isadora Duncan dancers are shown in classical robes and classical pose. https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/the-isadora-duncan-dancers-are-shown-in-classical-robes-and-news-photo/515303406 https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/the-isadora-duncan-dancers-are-shown-in-classical-robes-and-classical-picture-id515303406?s=2048x2048 1246. The Isadora Duncan Dancers on a Canon Louisville, Kentucky, USA - The Isadora Duncan dancers. Lisa, Anna, Erica, Theresa, Irma, Margot. Photograph taken in Federal Park, Louisville, Kentucky. 1249. Summer 2012 Catalog, Lot 78. Duncan, Isadora. (1877 - 1927). Original photograph of the great dancer and choreographer - one of the major inovators of the medium. Duncan is shown wrapped in a heavy coat and wearing a large hat on the deck of a ship. Mounting remnants and stamps to verso, otherwise fine. https://www.schubertiademusic.com/details/multiple_catalogs:yes/desc:Duncan,+Isadora.+(1877+-+1927) 1255. Фотодокументы А 3374 Портрет танцовщицы А.Дункан до 1917 года http://www.photoarchive.spb.ru/showChildObjects.do?object=2001056411 1261.1444. Dancer Isadora Duncan (1916-1918) _ Pioneer of modern dance 1273. Айседора Дункан 1922 1278. Дирдрэ. 1911 г. 1279. Arnold Genthe. Greek revival dancers 1916-1920. Via nypl https://dantebea.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/arnold-genthe1-greek-revival-dancers-1916-1920-via-nypl.jpg?w=549&h=740 1291. Isadora Duncan by CenobiteAdnaloy in Paintings A portrait from the Graffiti Wall in Opatija (RI), town in Croatia, it's also called the Croatian Monte Carlo. http://www.deviantart.com/morelikethis/284314616 http://cenobiteadnaloy.deviantart.com/ http://cenobiteadnaloy.deviantart.com/art/Isadora-Duncan-284314616 http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/041/1/5/isadora_duncan_by_cenobiteadnaloy-d4p9uk8.jpg http://deirling.deviantart.com/art/Isadora-Duncan-A-Portrait-270213064 http://rickster155.deviantart.com/art/Impression-isadora-duncan-by-the-sea-299004230 1291. Albert Einstein, Isadora Duncan and Gustav Mahler are some of the most famous visitors of Opatija https://m.facebook.com/visitopatija/photos/a.369026556522726/1527224027369634/ https://scontent-hel3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/fr/cp0/e15/q65/22548698_1527224027369634_8848614581952394606_o.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=2&_nc_sid=8024bb&efg=eyJpIjoiYiJ9&_nc_ohc=WyZwOu3Yn24AX-IecLr&_nc_ht=scontent-hel3-1.xx&tp=14&oh=f7df4253e7f7736323682c35c8336cd6&oe=5FBED837 1295. Isadora Duncan (1877 San Francisco, USA - 1927 Nizza) https://www.theatermuseum.at/onlinesammlung/detail/404552/ https://www.theatermuseum.at/onlinesammlung/detail/406206/ Fotograf/Urheber: Henri Manuel, Paris 1300. Дункан в Ницце 1927 Одна из последних фотографий Айседоры. Ницца, 1927 г. 1313. Vanity Fair - August 1920 - Isadora Duncan Group in Grecian Costume 1316. Айседора Дункан в Славянском марше П.И. Чайковского 1317. Айседора Дункан, Тэмпл Дункан и Мэри Дести. Германия. 1904 г. 1319. Айседора Дункан с Антуаном Бурделем, Морисом Дени и Ван Донгеном 1321. Сергей Есенин и Айседора Дункан в Италии на пляже при гостинице ExcelsiorPalaceHotel. 14 августа 1922 года. [Венеция] 1322. Ученицы Айседоры Дункан.Тереза, Ирма, Лиза, Анна, Эрика, Марго. Нью-Йорк. 1915 г. 1323 Ученики московской школы танцев Айседоры Дункан с детьми рабочих на Красном стадионе. 1924 г. 1324 Элизабет Дункан, сестра. Августин Дункан, брат 1327 Isadora Duncan, Anna, Therese, Irna, Margot, Erica, 1918 1328 Photo: Isadora Duncan dancer,fabric,clothing,women,performer,scarves,Arnold Genthe,1915 http://www.amazon.com/Photo-Isadora-clothing-performer-scarves/dp/B00BUA37UY 1330_i-G-71-7127-VB8M100Z Irma Duncan, Isadora Duncan Dancer, c.1916 Giclee Print by Arnold Genthe http://www.allposters.com.au/-sp/Irma-Duncan-Isadora-Duncan-Dancer-c-1916-posters_i9857531_.htm http://www.art.com/products/p21693783188-sa-i7398677/arnold-genthe-irma-duncan-isadora-duncan-dancer-c-1916.htm 1331_i-G-62-6211-3MO1100Z Anna Duncan, Irma Duncan, Maria Theresa Duncan, and two other dancers Vanity Fair - August 1920 - Isadora Duncan Group in Grecian Costume Premium Photographic Print by Arnold Genthe http://www.allposters.com.au/-sp/Vanity-Fair-August-1920-Isadora-Duncan-Dancers-posters_i8707061_.htm http://www.art.co.uk/products/p13153597327-sa-i6443117/arnold-genthe-vanity-fair-august-1920-isadora-duncan-group-in-grecian-costume.htm 1332 Isadora Duncan dans un jardin avec des enfants http://www.bourdelle.paris.fr/fr/oeuvre/isadora-duncan-dans-un-jardin-avec-des-enfants http://www.bourdelle.paris.fr/sites/bourdelle/files/styles/cloud_zoom/public/oeuvre/visuels_principaux/isadora_duncan.jpg 1333 Isadora Duncan dance school. 1929 1337 Isadora duncan's sister, Irma, with students in the Petrograd state circus, Isadora Duncan studios, USSR 1338 Isadora Duncan (1878-1927), postcard, 1903. (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/portrait-of-dancer-isadora-duncan-postcard-1903-news-photo/159827903 1339 Vanity Fair - August 1920 - Teresa Duncan Leans on Column, By: Arnold Genthe http://www.allposters.com.au/-sp/Vanity-Fair-August-1920-Teresa-Duncan-Leans-on-Column-posters_i8707060_.htm 1340 Vanity Fair - May 1919, By: Arnold Genthe http://www.allposters.com.au/-sp/Vanity-Fair-May-1919-posters_i8608739_.htm 1341 Айседора, импресарио В.Н. Афанасьев и Ирма Дункан за дегустацией нарзана, Кисловодск 1923 год. 1348 Irma Duncan in 1908. 1352 Irma Duncan by Apeda, 1910s. 1353 Irma Duncan performing in Sacrificial dance. http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0029v 1356 Irma Duncan and pupils in Moscow (1921). 1357 Elizabeth Duncan 1358 Werbebroschure 1906 http://www.sk-kultur.de/tanz/duncan/seiten/broschuere.html http://www.sk-kultur.de/tanz/duncan/bilder/vereinsprospekt.pdf 1361. 1906 photograph from Isadora's school in Grunewald 1363-1366 Edward Steichen – Isadora Duncan and Therese Duncan at the Parthenon, Athens, 1921 http://lapetitemelancolie.com/2011/03/18/edward-steichen-duncan-isadora-and-therese-at-the-parthenon1921/ 1365. Therese Duncan dances at the Parthenon in 1921. (Photo by Edward Steichen) 1366. Maria-Theresa Duncan Dancing at the Acropolis https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-o_wD86qXzF0/XF_2bOE_qtI/AAAAAAAAToU/G49SwGqthy0RBu3t8SrhSKCvEDclxTeLgCLcBGAs/s400/tumblr_pmdkm88It81qazanuo1_640.jpg http://fairuse-wjy.blogspot.com/2019/02/maria-theresa-duncan-dancing-at.html Maria-Theresa Duncan dancing at the Acropolis, Greece, 1921, by Edward Steichen, born Eduard Jean Steichen, photographer, painter, American, born Luxembourg, 1879-1973. Maria-Theresa Duncan, dancer, American, born Germany, 1895-1987. 1367. Edward Steichen - Wind-Fire, Teresa Duncan sobre la Acropolis, 1920 http://flickr.com/photos/quelitab/5794902402 1368, 1369 Фотограф Эдвард Стейхен Edward Steichen (1879-1973) – Russian Pupils of Isadora Duncan (1921) http://www.daguerreotype.com/steichen1.htm http://www.daguerreotype.com/image_steichen.htm http://lapetitemelancolie.com/2012/01/14/isadora-duncan-1877-1927/ 1370 Title: Isadora Duncan dancer Creator(s): Genthe, Arnold, 1869-1942, photographer Date Created/Published: between 1915 and 1942; from a negative taken between 1915 and 1923. http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/agc1996000097/PP/ 1372. Три приемных дочери Айседоры Дункан, 1920-е http://fotostrana.ru/public/post/237760/650969330/ Margot, Anna, Lisa, 1920. 1373. Anna Duncan http://vintage-ephemera.blogspot.ru/2011/08/isadora-duncan.html 1382 Duncan, Isadora, dancers, women, performers, faces, acetates, portraits, A Genthe,1916. 1392. Duncan, Anna; dancer and adopted daughter of Isadora Duncan; c. 1935. https://www.akg-images.co.uk/Docs/AKG/Media/TR5/1/d/c/7/AKG173085.jpg https://www.akg-images.co.uk/archive/-2UMDHUFSL1W0.html 1393. JAMES WALLACE PONDELICEK, 1921 1394. Dancers at Margaret Morris Dance School (manual manipulation), taken in May 1932 by Edward G Malindine for the Daily Herald. 1397. Maria Theresa Duncan, ca. 1920 Maurice Goldberg (Russian-American photographer) 1913-1949 inscribed on verso in green innk "Maria Theresa who will dance in Carnegie, Feb. 14 in tribute to the memory of Isadora Duncan". 1398. Isadora Duncan Dancers, Ca. 1929 http://fineartamerica.com/featured/isadora-duncan-dancers-ca-1929-everett.html http://fineartamerica.com/art/all/isadora+duncan/all 1399.1187. Isadora's studio in Moscow. Moscow, 1924. Студия Айседоры Дункан, 1924 г. фото http://wasapp.livejournal.com/56911.html?mode=reply Василий Пономарев-Полянский http://www.proza.ru/2009/01/03/629 Дорогой Раисе Ивановне Коринковой на память о ее 1401-1420 Isadora Duncan, Elvira (Munchen) http://yablor.ru/blogs/aysedora-dunkan/4536945 https://fotki.yandex.ru/users/idvm/album/166493/ https://fotki.yandex.ru/users/humus777/album/442106 пребывании среди учениц школы Дункан. Вы найдете себя в последнем ряду, четвертая девочка справа (от Ирмы Дункан) с разде- ленной челочкой. Ваша Наталия Рославлева 12 Декабря 1972 г. 1401.1402.1403.1404.1405.1406.1407.1408.1409.1410.1560. Duncan Tanzschule Berlin Grunewald 1905 Isadora Duncan, Tanzschule in Berlin, Germany - Grunewald by Hausfrau 06/1905 (Photo by Zander & Labisch). \ Школа танцев Айседоры Дункан в Берлине, Германия - Грюневальд, 1905. 1412. LISA Duncan teaching in the children’s CLASS in the BELLEVUE SCHOOL in Meudon, Paris (1914) 1411.1412.1413.1414.1415.1416. Isadora Duncan, Tänzerin, USA, ihre Tanzschule in Paris, 1914. Айседора Дункан, танцовщица, США, ее танцевальная школа в Париже, 1914 г. 1417. LISA Duncan (1898-1976) 1419. Эмма Фиш, ученица и сподвижница Стефаниды Рудневой. Гептахор 1401-1420 Isadora Duncan, Elvira (Munchen) http://yablor.ru/blogs/aysedora-dunkan/4536945 https://fotki.yandex.ru/users/idvm/album/166493/ https://fotki.yandex.ru/users/humus777/album/442106 1421-1424. Duncan, 1913 1421-1429. Isadora Duncan photographed by Jacob Schloss, 1899 Duncan, Isadora / photographs by Schloss. [In various poses, dressed in her mother's lace curtains.] (c1899) https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.404793696383572&type=1 http://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47e2-9f3f-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99 http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0112V Notes: National Endowment for the Arts Millennium Project. Provenance: Albert Davis and Lincoln Kirstein Collections. Schloss (Photographer). Library locations: Jerome Robbins Dance Division. Shelf locator: *MGZEB (New York (City). Museum of Modern Art. Collection of carte de visite photographs). Shelf locator: *MGZEB (Museum of Modern Art. Collection of carte de visite and cabinet card photographs, no. 112-121). 1424. https://www.mutualart.com/Artwork/Isadora-Duncan/E055226AFBAB9320 Isadora Duncan circa 1913 by Otto Wegener 1425. Дункан на стадионе в Афинах 1912 1426. Дункан 1911 1427. Дункан 1910 1429. Isadora Duncan a Bellevue (Paris) https://live.staticflickr.com/1494/25145197382_7cebab9381_b.jpg https://www.flickr.com/photos/dalbera/25145197382/ 1430. Photo Halstead School, group portrait, photographs Arnold Genthe, 1916 1433. http://klimbims.deviantart.com/art/Isadora-Duncan-359095415 1434.1435.1436. Vanity rair: January, 1915 Isadora Duncan’s School of Dancing http://www.oldmagazinearticles.com/Isadora_Duncan_dance_school_Rye_New_York_pdf http://www.oldmagazinearticles.com/Isadora_Duncan_dance_school_Rye_New_York Attached is a paragraph about the school of dance that was established by Isadora Duncan in Rye, New York; the notice is illustrated by three stunning photographs by Frances Benjamin Johnston (1864 – 1952) depicting thirteen young girls in Grecian attire. 1437. Lily Dikovskaya (b. 1913). 1439. Russian Duncan School with Shneider boat. 1444. Isadora Duncan (1916-1918) 1455. Young Duncan Dancers (Anna left and Irma right) Courtesy of Isadora Duncan Dance Foundation https://theculturetrip.com/north-america/usa/california/articles/ladies-we-love-isadora-duncan/ https://img.theculturetrip.com/1024x/smart/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/photo-2_isadora-duncan.jpg Isadora Duncan, The Tragic Life Of The World's Greatest Dancer 1456. Six Duncan Dancers’ by photographer Arnold Genthe 1457. [Isadora Duncan dancer] Artist/Maker: Arnold Genthe (American, 1869 - 1942) Culture: American; Place: New York, New York, United States (Place created); Date: 1915 - 1923; Portrait of a woman wearing long, draping robes. She is reaching her arms out in front of her and looking up. http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/37374/arnold-genthe-isadora-duncan-dancer-american-1915-1923/ 1458. Frank-Manuel Peter Isadora & Elizabeth Duncan (Deutschland). 1459. Isadora Duncan with her sister Elizabeth (right) during the flower parade in Baden-Baden. June, 1907. http://thelegendofisadora.blogspot.com/2014/ https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1GqqFvJo8Ng/VGIM3fjImZI/AAAAAAAAAI8/xcJDyjteREw/s1600/1415656614.jpg The legend of Isadora Duncan 1460. Айседора 1904 год. 1461. Isadora Duncan and Ernst Haeckel first meeting http://thelegendofisadora.blogspot.com/2014/10/isadora-duncan-and-ernst-haeckel-first.html https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Jvf-UhHX-zk/VDeRP052PGI/AAAAAAAAADs/ZIhtSHjrG1M/s1600/AHIDDENHAND.570.jpg 1464. Isadora Duncan in Belgium in 1905, photograph by E. Gordon Craig http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00843836#page-1 http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00843836 http://static-content.springer.com/lookinside/art%3A10.1007%2FBF00843836/001.png 1469. Isadora Duncan in Delphos dress, Photoby Mariano Fortuny, circa 1910. http://whoisdada.it/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Isadora-Duncan-en-robe-Delphos-Photographie-Mariano-Fortuny-vers-1910.jpg http://whoisdada.it 1471. Isadora with Augustine, Elizabeth, Raymond and Mother 1475. Isadora Duncan, pregnant with Deidre, in Villa Maria. Noordwijk, 1906. https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-nor6GS4ppCY/VsoEe9Y0GKI/AAAAAAAAAS8/J9mdCISSZ9Y/s1600/1411326075.jpg http://thelegendofisadora.blogspot.ru 1478. Isadora Duncan In her castle in Meudon (France). Ca. 1910. http://media.gettyimages.com/photos/isadora-duncan-american-dancer-considered-as-the-creator-of-modern-picture-id526615760 http://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/isadora-duncan-american-dancer-considered-as-the-creator-of-news-photo/526615760 1479. The Selfridge family at Highcliffe Castle, 1921. From left to right: Gordon Selfridge Junior, Isadora Duncan, Vicomte de Sibour (sitting), Violette Selfridge (due to marry Vicomte de Sibour) and Gordon Selfridge https://yooniqimages.com/images/detail/102213961/ 1480. The imposing entrance to Highcliffe Castle, Gordon Selfridge's country estate in Hampshire, 1921. In the distance Selfridge is seen talking to Isadora Duncan, the famous dancer, who is staying with him. She will be giving a series of matinees at the Prince of Wales in London https://yooniqimages.com/images/detail/102213960/ 1484. Isadora Duncan's students selecting russian children for school in France http://thelegendofisadora.blogspot.ru/2015/08/isadora-duncans-students-selecting.html 1486. https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/t%C3%A4nzerin-usasch%C3%BClerinnen-ihrer-tanzschule-bei-der-er%C3%B6ffnung-news-photo/541081907 https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/2705187819091927tnzerin-usaschlerinnen-ihrer-tanzschule-bei-der-der-picture-id541081907?s=2048x2048 Schülerinnen ihrer Tanzschule bei der Eröffnung der Ausstellung der Darmstädter Künstlerkolonie - 1914. \ Учащиеся танцевальной школы на открытии выставки в Дармштадтской колонии художников - 1914 год. 1488. Isadora Duncan, 1920. https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-E_NF5HMsjfE/VvlEnAXCuqI/AAAAAAAAAW4/mPTH-QD7wrA6thrRslFDKgITM87XPdlLQ/s1600/ddd_010603233_mpeg21_p013_image.jpg http://thelegendofisadora.blogspot.com/2016/03/ 1489. Ретро фотографии танца американской танцовщицы Айседоры Дункан на побережье моря в 20-х годах ХХ века. Одета в хитон, похожа на древнегреческую богиню. http://gazeta.ua/ru/articles/history/_kak-tancevala-ajsedora-dunkan-retro-fotografii/639666 1492. Isadora Duncan dancer, performances, women, outdoors, A Genthe, 1915 https://www.picclickimg.com/d/w1600/pict/293550449248_/PhotoIsadora-Duncan-dancerperformanceswomenoutdoorsA-Genthe1915-1-1-7883.jpg https://picclick.com/PhotoIsadora-Duncan-dancerperformanceswomenoutdoorsA-Genthe1915-1-1-7883-293550449248.html#&gid=1&pid=1 1500. Isadora Duncan by Bertram Park https://collectionimages.npg.org.uk/large/mw145373/Isadora-Duncan.jpg https://www.npg.org.uk/collections/search/portrait/mw145373/Isadora-Duncan? https://66.media.tumblr.com/3a6d3bb82403b68baa2874eff60aad52/tumblr_po4rmeACrj1urretyo1_400.png 1502. Two original photo postcards with students around a statue by Schott and a close up of the statue 1503. Maria Theresa, Irma, Lisa, Anna, Erika, Margot. https://theredlist.com/media/database/muses/icon/iconic_women/1910/isadora-duncan/039-isadora-duncan-theredlist.jpg 1509. Eva Palmer's dancers practicing on the Athenian Acropolis for a promotional brochure published in January 1926. https://nataliavogeikoff.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/etudes_19261.jpg 1512. Anna, Liza and Margot, 1922. ANNA Denzler, LISA Milker et MARGOT Jehle (de gauche a droite), d'apres une publicite de 1922. https://m.facebook.com/tieri.danse ISADORIENNES 1513. Underwood and Underwood. Anna, Lisa, and Margot, 1923. Duncan press clipping https://dantebea.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/underwood-and-underwood-anna-lisa-and-margot-dunca-press-clipping-1923.jpg?w=549 1514. MARGOT Duncan (1900-1925) 1517. Nickolas Muray. Anna Duncan 1920-1932. Via eastmanmuseum https://dantebea.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/nickolas-muray-anna-duncan-1920-1932-via-eastmanmuseum.jpg?w=549 1518. Nickolas Muray. Anna Duncan 1927. Via eastmanmuseum https://dantebea.com/2016/09/08/nickolas-muray-15/nickolas-muray2-anna-duncan-1927-via-eastmanmuseum/ https://dantebea.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/nickolas-muray-anna-duncan-1927-via-eastmanmuseum.jpg?w=370&h=&crop=1 https://dantebea.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/nickolas-muray1-anna-duncan-1927-via-eastmanmuseum.jpg?w=549 https://dantebea.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/nickolas-muray2-anna-duncan-1927-via-eastmanmuseum.jpg?w=270&h=270&crop=1 1522. Студия им. А. Дункан. 1930 г. http://lunacharsky.newgod.su/galleries/o-massovyh-prazdnestvah/1920x/147a.jpg http://lunacharsky.newgod.su/lib/o-massovyh-prazdnestvah/isadora-dunkan/ Луначарский «Наша гостья» 1524. anna teresa therese lisa irma 1530. Elizabeth Duncan dancing, dancers, lantern slides, performances, Arnold Genthe, 1916. 1532. «Огонек» N4-1906. Айседора Дункан со своим ребенком. Знаменитая возродительница и обновительница балета, Айседора Дункан, всегда именуется в печати девицей. В действительности, «мисс» Дункан—счастливая жена и мать семейства. Жрица пластической красоты является источником не только эстетических, но и живых ее воплощений. http://politicslife.ru/foliums/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/dunkan.jpg http://politicslife.ru/foliums/?p=4897 http://politicslife.ru/foliums/?s=Айседора+Дункан 1537. Elizabeth Duncan by Arnold Genthe, 1916. http://cdn.loc.gov/service/pnp/agc/7a09000/7a09900/7a09972r.jpg 1538. Anna in between Elisabeth and Max. Maria Theresa directly behind Irma. back left. Lisa in front of Elisabeth. 1543. Tra-Boy Dancers in the Gardens of Maymont, 1930 https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/bcJrqSzuJnd6C2UyWuJtWgSFvMAWi1ttdwCZAFs7Lg9t6O1QS88wXSPw6ICI8EOECw https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/tra-boy-dancers-in-the-gardens-of-maymont/-QE5XeOKBnTWow Idear Steele Traylor (1884–1968) and Miss Margaret Anne Boyer (1870–1945) formed the Tray-Boy (sometimes called “Tra-boy”) School of Dance in Richmond in about 1919. The Tray-Boy dancers pictured here in bare feet and short gauzy gowns seem to be performing in the ‘free dance’ style promoted by the Modern Dance pioneer, Isadora Duncan (1877–1927), inspired by her study of the ancient Greeks. 1555. Isadoran Duncan danse pour Rodin lors d’une fete pour le maitre. http://www.cartophilie-viroflay.org/IMG/jpg/rodin_duncan_300_.jpg 1556. Les amis de Rodin rassembles lors d’une fete pour le maitre. http://www.cartophilie-viroflay.org/IMG/jpg/rodin_duncan2_300_.jpg CPM reproduction d’un cliche du musee Rodin de Paris. http://www.cartophilie-viroflay.org/article.php?id_article=29 1559. Pioneer of modern dance who encouraged a spontaneous personal style. She was accidentally strangled by a scarf caught in a car wheel in 1927. Vintage matte-finish 4.5 x 6.25 photo, signed in fountain pen “Love from Isadora 1915.” https://dygtyjqp7pi0m.cloudfront.net/i/9131/10192663_1.jpg https://www.icollector.com/Isadora-Duncan_i10192663 1564. https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/german-empire-kingdom-prussia-brandenburg-provinz-berlin-news-photo/543901611 https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/german-empire-kingdom-prussia-brandenburg-provinz-berlin-residential-picture-id543901611?s=2048x2048 1565. https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/isadora-duncan-isadora-duncan-t%C3%A4nzerin-usa-ihre-tanzschule-news-photo/537142051 https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/isadora-duncanisadora-duncan-tnzerin-usa-ihre-tanzschule-in-paris-picture-id537142051?s=2048x2048 German Empire Kingdom Prussia - Brandenburg Provinz (Province) - Berlin Residential dancing school of the dancing-educationist Elizabeth Duncan. Big hall with seatings. - Photographer: André Bénédic. \ Германская Империя Королевство Пруссия - Бранденбург Провинц (Провинция) - Берлин Жилая школа танцев преподавателя танцев Элизабет Дункан. Большой зал с креслами. 1566.1567. Frank-Manuel Peter, Isadora & Elizabeth Duncan (Deutschland) https://peoplepill.com/people/elisabeth-duncan/ 1570. Isadora Duncan School in Berlin, Germany https://www.alamy.com/schoolgirls-from-the-isadora-duncan-school-in-berlin-wear-reform-dresses-during-the-music-lessons-image247162700.html https://c7.alamy.com/comp/TA36F8/schoolgirls-from-the-isadora-duncan-school-in-berlin-wear-reform-dresses-during-the-music-lessons-TA36F8.jpg This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage. Lessons in reform clothes, 1914. Schoolgirls from the Isadora Duncan School in Berlin wear reform dresses during the music lessons. Date: 1 January 1914 https://www.alamy.com/search.html?qt=Isadora%20Duncan 1571. https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/t%C3%A4nzerinadoptiv-tochter-von-isadora-duncanbei-ihrem-news-photo/545353033 https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/tnzerinadoptiv-tochter-von-isadora-duncanbei-ihrem-goldfischtanz1926-picture-id545353033?s=2048x2048 Lisa Duncan. TänzerinAdoptiv - Tochter von Isadora Duncanbei ihrem 'Goldfischtanz' 1926 Приемная дочь Айседоры Дункан в ее танце Золотая рыбка 1926 г. 1577.1578.1579. Грета, Эльза и Берта Визенталь танцуют Ланнер Вальс Шуберта. Вена 1908. Dance Visions: Happy International Dance Day! these photos are of Grete, Elsa und Berta Wiesenthal tanzen den Lanner-Schubert Walzer. Wien 1908. Thank for sharing these with me, Anna Gaia * 2007. Sketch of Isadora Duncan by Antoine Bourdelle. Encyclopaedia Britannica Image Quest. http://weallwenttoparis.com/isadore-duncan 2011.2012. Van Dearing Perrine, Studies of Isadora Duncan Dancing https://images.skinnerinc.com/full/304/1071304_view%2002_02.jpg https://images.skinnerinc.com/full/304/1071304_view%2003_03.jpg https://www.skinnerinc.com/auctions/2865B/lots/259 Eighteen sketches on sixteen sheets of paper, executed with a waxy crayon, quick gestural drawings of Duncan dancing, with a framed pastel derived from the sketches, signed on by the artist on the mounted, presented to Percy MacKaye, matted and framed. Duncan, Perrine, and MacKaye worked together in various artistic collaborations in the early part of the 20th century. Duncan so admired Perrine's drawings of her that she chose them to adorn the program for her performance at the Metropolitan Opera House in November of 1916. Keywords Duncan Dancing, Percy MacKaye, Van Dearing, Isadora Duncan, Metropolitan Opera House, Marion MacKaye 2018. Emile-Antoine Bourdelle 2023. Isadora Duncan in Algeria, by Auguste Rodin (1840-1917). Encyclopaedia Britannica Image Quest. http://weallwenttoparis.com/isadore-duncan 2030. М.Добров. "А.Дункан. "Скифский танец". 1910 г. https://img03litfund.ru/images/lots/235/cache/235-158-A1223-39-M5292310_m_600x600.jpg Античный профиль танца: Василий Ватагин, Матвей Добров, Николай Чернышев. Каталог выставки. М.: Галерея Г.О.С.Т., 2006. 48 с., ил. 26,1×20,5 см. 2032. "DERNIERE VISION' (Last Vision), print of study of Isadora dancing drawn by Jose Clara after her death (Duncan collection). 2034. Isadora Duncan. Ave Maria 2 https://www.museunacional.cat/sites/default/files/094190-d_007164.jpg https://www.museunacional.cat/en/colleccio/isadora-duncan-ave-maria/josep-clara/094190-d 2039.2234. Antoine Bourdelle (French, 1861–1929) 2043.2044. Colombo Max: Gemalde Корнель и Коломбо Макс, Братья художники из Аммерланда http://corneille-colombo-max.de/colombo/painting.html [a la] Isadora Duncan, 1905. http://corneille-colombo-max.de/images/colombo/painting/pt/2.png Westwind, um 1927 ` Западный ветер, около 1927 г. http://corneille-colombo-max.de/images/colombo/painting/dm/1.png 2050. Color engravings of Isadora dancing "AIR GAI" from Gluck's 'Iphigenia in Aulis' by Mikhail Dobrov (1910), Bakhrushin State Theatre Museum, Moscow. 2091. Айседора Дункан. Рисунок А. Андерсона. Художник изобразил 200 бронзовых ключей, символизирующих то, что Айседора открыла своим искусством так много дверей на пути к личной свободе. 2094. Айседора Дункан. 1908. Художник Л.С. Бакст. Leon (Samoilovitch) Bakst : Portrait of Isadora Duncan (1877-1927), 1908 Portrait Of Isadora Duncan by Leon Bakst http://www.artcyclopedia.ru/portret_ajsedory_dunkan_1908-bakst_lev_samuilovich.htm http://fineartamerica.com/featured/portrait-of-isadora-duncan-leon-bakst.html http://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/portrait-of-isadora-duncan-leon-bakst.jpg http://www.1st-art-gallery.com/Leon-(samoilovitch)-Bakst/Portrait-Of-Isadora-Duncan-(1877-1927),-1908.html 2096. "Isadora in Revolt" by John Sloan Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art 2099. Isadora Dunkan, 1911 2029 Isadora Dunkan, 1915. Джон Френч Слоан (англ. John French Sloan; 1871—1951) — американский художник — импрессионист. http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/3944113/post157192101 2100. Van Dearing Perrine, Isadorables https://images.skinnerinc.com/full/304/1071304.jpg https://www.skinnerinc.com/auctions/2865B/lots/259 2105. 20th Century Dreams 1999 Block Of Nine Stamps - Tadjikistan https://www.ebid.net/uk/for-sale/45140-tadjikistan-1999-20th-century-dreams-05-composite-perf-sheetlet-contain-152879639.htm https://picclick.co.uk/20th-Century-Dreams-1999-Block-Of-Nine-Stamps-391830598960.html In the foreground: Anna Duncan (Isadorables), Raymond Duncan, Isadora Duncan, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Vladimir Ilich Lenin. 2138. Isadora Duncan #29, ca. 1915 : Abraham Walkowitz (American, born Siberia, 1878-1965). Brooklyn Museum, Gift of the artist, 39.174 http://www.brooklynmuseum.org/opencollection/objects/49477/Isadora_Duncan_29/set/?referring-q=%22Isadora+Duncan%22 2139. Isadora Duncan #6, ca. 1917 : Abraham Walkowitz Brooklyn Museum, Gift of the artist, 39.151 http://www.brooklynmuseum.org/opencollection/objects/49454/Isadora_Duncan_6/set/f70e1c3a1ec830da37649be4da756b23?referring-q=%22Isadora+Duncan%22 2142. Isadora Duncan Huang Xiang fnd William Rock http://www.flickriver.com/photos/tags/isadoraduncan/interesting/ 2181. Isadora Duncan. Schubert's Marche Militaire https://www.museunacional.cat/sites/default/files/094196-d_007167.jpg https://www.museunacional.cat/en/colleccio/isadora-duncan-schuberts-marche-militaire/josep-clara/094196-d Isadora Duncan. Marcha militar de Schubert. Josep Clara. Olot, 1878 – Barcelona, 1958. Donacion de Carme Clara al Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, 1974; deposito en el MNAC, 1995. https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-RiaSDalGeXo/Xpx_A8NLsrI/AAAAAAAAh8Q/yxnjKV3pYqIV9Sve7lNsHrN22f-rBgngACK4BGAsYHg/094196-d_007167.jpg Isadora Duncan por Josep Clara http://www.danzaballetblog.com/2020/04/isadora-duncan-por-josep-clara.html 2183. Isadora Duncan and the Dance : 1910 : Abraham Walkowitz GALLERY: Zabriskie Gallery (212) 752-1223 http://www.artnet.com/artwork/424299073/142671/abraham-walkowitz-isadora-duncan.html 2190. Abraham Walkowitz: Isadora Duncan and the Dance http://www.artnet.com/artwork/424299070/142671/abraham-walkowitz-isadora-duncan.html 2191 Abraham Walkowitz : Isadora Duncan Series : circa 1910-1920 GALLERY: Artspace II (248) 258-1540 http://www.artnet.com/artwork/426067918/86/abraham-walkowitz-isadora-duncan-series.html 2203 Abraham Walkowitz : Isadora Duncan : circa 1910 GALLERY: Puccio Fine Art (212) 588-9871 http://www.artnet.com/artwork/426092306/424413066/abraham-walkowitz-isadora-duncan.html 2207. Jose Clara. Isadora Duncan, 1927 https://dantebea.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/jose-clara2-isadora-duncan-1927.jpg?w=549 https://dantebea.com/2017/03/27/jose-clara/ 2208 Isadora Duncan by Jules Grandjouan (French) http://www.artnet.com/ag/fulltextsearch.asp?searchstring=Isadora+Duncan http://www.artnet.com/Artists/LotDetailPage.aspx?lot_id=C39D201F77C6AE1E http://www.artnet.com/artists/jules-grandjouan/isadora-duncan-HiAXq2KgszrJrKEqADWqaQ2 http://labouchedefer.free.fr/spip.php?article41&lang=fr 2215 Жюль-Феликс Гранджуан. Альбом пастелей Изадоры Дункан. L’album de pastels d’Isadora Duncan by Jules-Felix Grandjouan http://labouchedefer.free.fr/spip.php?article41&lang=fr http://labouchedefer.free.fr/local/cache-vignettes/L168xH232/isora-22089.jpg http://www.oulala.net/Portail/IMG/article_PDF/article_884.pdf 2218. Isadora Duncan par Valentine Hugo (1887-1968) HUGO Valentine, nee Gross, 1887-1968 (France) http://www.artvalue.com/auctionresult--hugo-valentine-nee-gross-1887-isadora-duncan-3-1010733.htm 2219 Portrait of Isadora Duncan : 1925 : WALKOWITZ Abraham, 1878-1965 (USA) http://www.artvalue.com/auctionresult--walkowitz-abraham-1878-1965-us-isadora-duncan-2097755.htm http://www.artvalue.com/auctionresult--walkowitz-abraham-1878-1965-us-portrait-of-isadora-duncan-1480100.htm 2222 Isadora : 1915/1916; WALKOWITZ Abraham, 1878-1965 (USA) http://www.artvalue.com/auctionresult--walkowitz-abraham-1878-1965-us-1-isadora-2-duncan-dancing-3-a-1998748.htm Abstract Isadora Duncan : 1915/1917 : WALKOWITZ Abraham http://www.artvalue.com/auctionresult--walkowitz-abraham-1878-1965-us-abstract-isadora-duncan-8-2172814.htm Isadora Duncan : 1915/1917 (6) WALKOWITZ Abraham http://www.artvalue.com/auctionresult--walkowitz-abraham-1878-1965-us-isadora-duncan-6-2172816.htm 2223 В.А.Ватагин. Из Серии "Дункан в танце". 1920-е http://www.rgali.ru/object/228739579 2231 Добров М.А. Айседора Дункан. Эскизы к офортам. 1910. РГАЛИ. 2237 Isadora Duncan dancing : BOURDELLE Emile-Antoine, 1861-1929 (France) http://www.artvalue.com/auctionresult--bourdelle-emile-antoine-1861-1-isadora-duncan-dancing-1007338.htm} 2238 ISADORA DUNCAN DANSANT LA MARSEILLAISE : ca 1919 : BOURDELLE Emile-Antoine http://www.artvalue.com/auctionresult--bourdelle-emile-antoine-1861-1-isadora-duncan-dansant-la-mars-2848922.htm 2240 Antoine Bourdelle : Isadora Duncan dansant - Plume et encre brun sur papier velin - Credits photo : Mairie de Paris, Musee Bourdelle http://www.toutpourlesfemmes.com/conseil/Isadora-Duncan-au-Musee-Bourdelle.html 2244 DENIS Maurice, 1870-1943 (France) : ISADORA DUNCAN http://www.artvalue.com/auctionresult--denis-maurice-1870-1943-france-isadora-duncan-2548651.htm http://www.artnet.com/artists/maurice-denis/isadora-duncan-3qHBm6z2yJ4Lq7n28VfRSw2 2245. HENRI Robert, 1865-1929 (USA) : A PAIR OF DRAWINGS : 1) ISADORA DUNCAN; 2) AT THE OPERA http://www.sothebys.com/ru/auctions/ecatalogue/lot.10.html/2008/american-paintings-drawings-and-sculpture-n08469 http://www.sothebys.com/content/dam/stb/lots/N08/N08469/N08469-10-lr-1.jpg each stamped with the estate stamp RH, the second dated 1904, l.l. http://www.artvalue.com/auctionresult--henri-robert-1865-1929-usa-1-isadora-duncan-2-at-the-oper-2089865.htm http://www.artnet.com/artists/robert-henri/isadora-duncan-and-at-the-opera-2-works-inRAuiU53AKiHfKPvOFhZQ2 2246 Isadora Duncan. The Bacchanal of Tannhauser https://www.museunacional.cat/sites/default/files/094207-d_007170.jpg https://www.museunacional.cat/en/colleccio/isadora-duncan-bacchanal-tannhauser/josep-clara/094207-d 2287 Isadora Duncan 1909 - Emile-Antoine Bourdelle (1861 Montauban - 1er octobre 1929 Le Vesinet) http://preview.museesmidipyrenees.fr/musees/musee-ingres/collections/les-collections-graphiques/emile-antoine-bourdelle/isadora-duncan/ 2288 Isadora Duncan 1909-1912 - Emile-Antoine Bourdelle http://preview.museesmidipyrenees.fr/musees/musee-ingres/collections/les-collections-graphiques/emile-antoine-bourdelle/isadora-duncan-1909-12/ 2289 ISADORA DUNCAN, exposition au musee Bourdelle jusqu'au 14 mars 2010 Dessins realises dans l'exposition d'apres des oeuvres d'Antoine Bourdelle Commentaires de l'ecrivain Colette qui, comme de nombreux artistes ayant vu Isadora danser, fut saisie par son genie Puis paroles d'Isadora Duncan elle-meme http://rosadreams.over-blog.com/article-isadora-duncan-exposition-au-musee-bourdelle-jusqu-au-14-mars-2010-43176441.html Online Archive of California http://www.oac.cdlib.org/search?query=Isadora%20Duncan;group=Items Collection: Joseph Rous Paget-Fredericks Dance Collection, 1964.009, Isadora Duncan Contributing Institution: The Bancroft Library. The University of California, Berkeley. 2290 Title: Isadora chez Bourdelle... Identifier: 66 AX http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf500007sv/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2291 Title: In the garden... Le Vesinet, St. Germain-en-Laye. Identifier: 9 A http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf7m3nb5n4/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2292 Title: Paris, 1927. Identifier: 14 A http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf3489p0ht/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2293 Title: [no caption] Identifier: 44 AX http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf1r29n99x/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2294 Title: Hommage a Bourdelle. Bonne Souvenir. Identifier: 45 AX http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf9z09p4s0/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2295 Title: Le Vesinet, St. Germain-en-Laye. Identifier: 2 A http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf6870096r/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2296 Title: [no caption] Identifier: 31 A http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf2j49p091/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2297 Title: [no caption] Identifier: 29 A http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf9779p3zh/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2298 Title: Polonaise militaire; Chopin. Identifier: 3 A http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf8000103h/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2299 Title: "Polonaise" de Chopin. Identifier: 60 AX http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf0x0nb1v3/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2300 Title: [no caption] Identifier: 33 A http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf2g50061s/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2301 Title: Isadora. Polonaise de Chopin, Neuilly. Identifier: 72 AX http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf5x0nb5mz/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2302 Title: [no caption] Identifier: 30 A http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf409nb49m/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2303 Title: [no caption] Identifier: 11 A http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf80001041/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2304 Title: Juan-les-Pins. Identifier: 12 A http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf267nb347/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2305 Title: Mazurka; Chopin. Identifier: 59 AX http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf0s2005pg/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2306. Title: "Isadora--far too heavy... if only she would cut down and diet!" Identifier: 38 A http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf0t1nb2cp/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2307. Title: Neuilly-sur-Seine. Identifier: 55 AX http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf7m3nb5pn/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2308. Title: [no caption] Identifier: 15 A http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf2q2nb38k/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2309. Title: [no caption] Identifier: 13 A http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf4n39p104/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2310. Title: Impression, with the flag that flew over villa Bellevue at Le Vesinet. Identifier: 54 AX http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf7q2nb6n8/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2311. Title: "Isadora was frightfully heavy..." Identifier: 61 AX http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf9t1nb905/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2312. Title: Isadora dancing in the garden of my studio, M. de St. S., Le Vesinet, 1927. Identifier: 56 AX http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf1000058w/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2313. Title: Valse de Schubert. Salle Beethoven, rue de la Pompe. Bourdelle liked this familiar movement. Identifier: 67 AX http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf2w10071w/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2314 Title: Valse de Chopin. Salle Beethoven, rue de la Pompe. Identifier: 63 AX http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf367nb3n9/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2315. Title: Poses that delighted Bourdelle. Identifier: 64 AX http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf7f59p3kh/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2316. Title: Jose and Clara Bourdelle liked these most familiar postures of Isadora. Identifier: 65 AX http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf1b69n98s/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2317. Title: Hotel Laetitia, Boulevard Raspail, 1926-27 Identifier: 52 AX http://www.oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf2v19p0h3/?layout=metadata&brand=oac4 2355. Isadora Duncan. Joy, 1914. By Plinio Nomellini (Italian, 1866–1943) https://66.media.tumblr.com/ce03c8634fd9ef3e0a94d8e324e6d2ed/9fff317146d1d48f-da/s1280x1920/bb2827b2acd932be936a09d7bf4e206893ab4bbc.jpg https://didoofcarthage.tumblr.com/image/190470208194 2358. Портрет Айседоры Дункан работы Юрия Анненкова http://www.visit-city.com/exhibitions/annenkov-revolution/ https://www.svoboda.org/a/25416087.html 2359. Van Dearing Perrine, Isadora https://dantebea.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/van-dearing-perrine-isadora-duncan.jpg https://dantebea.com/2017/03/27/van-dearing-perrine/ 2373. Выступление А. Дункан. Изображение из журнала «Иллюстасьон». 1910-е. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.2784899498408735&type=3https://cga.mos.ru/upload_local/resize_cache/6943349/0a83a5b3e77e14ab1c26818059974eb6/iblock/113/113d0e57e4c6d85799d019c744934ffc/3.jpg https://cga.mos.ru/presscenter/news/detail/8926621.html Главархив Москвы делится документами Айседоры Дункан в день ее рождения 2420. Гюнтер Закс. Айседора Дункан. 1991. Cерия Героини с Клаудией Шиффер 2421.2422. Laura Higgins Palmer - Dance Drawings 2423 Drachin_Isadorian-Dance_2013 Isadorian like DANCERS 2424 Айседора Дункан. Пастель Г. Крэга. 1904 г. 2426 Айседора Дункан. Рисунок карандашом О. Родена 2427 Айседора Дункан. Рисунки А. Бурделя. Акварель и пастель. 1916. 2428 Айседора Дункан. Рисунок Г. Крэга. Январь 1904 г. 2429 Айседора Дункан и Сергей Есенин. Рисунок В. Барта. Париж. 1924 г. 2431-2444 Абрахам Валковитц 2445. Bakst, Leon (1866-1924) - 1920c. Portrait of Isodora Duncan Dancing (The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford University, UK) https://bidspirit-images.global.ssl.fastly.net/collectors/cloned-images/113877/1/a_ignore_q_80_w_1000_c_limit_1.jpg https://ru.bidspirit.com/ui/lotPage/source/catalog/auction/2122/lot/113877/Бакст-Лев-Самойлович-художник-2?lang=ru 2452 WALKOWITZ, Abraham, (American, 1878-1965): Drawing of Isadore Duncan, Charcoal Drawing http://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/7653040 2454 Abraham Walkowitz Isadora Duncan 1909 http://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/20473971_abraham-walkowitz-isadora-duncan Provenance: Zabriskie Gallery, New York, New York; Private Collection, Los Angeles, California (acquired directly from the above, January 1979) Together with copy of exhibition catalogue and gallery receipt Literature: Abraham Walkowitz. Exhibition Catalogue. New York: Zabriskie, 1995. #10. Exhibited: "Abraham Walkowitz: Watercolors from 1905 Through 1920 and Other Works on Paper," Zabriskie Gallery, New York, November 30, 1994-January 7, 1995 2468 Isadora Duncan, Art that Dances, Franz Waldraff, 1878 http://www.pinterest.com/runningwave/art-that-dances/ 2472 Vita scandalosa di Isadora Duncan, l'americana che danzo per Lenin libreria "Isadora Duncan - Una biografia disegnata", di Sabrina Jones, di Rosaria Amato (19 gennaio 2012) Isadora Duncan, una vita a fumetti (GALLERIE FOTOGRAFICHE) http://www.repubblica.it/spettacoli-e-cultura/2012/01/18/foto/isadora_fumetti-28381694/ http://www.repubblica.it/spettacoli-e-cultura/2012/01/19/news/isadora_duncan-28380514/ http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=eb&sl=auto&tl=ru&u=http://www.repubblica.it/spettacoli-e-cultura/2012/01/19/news/isadora_duncan-28380514/ 2473. Lucas Thanos ~ Eternal Return - chorus http://vimeo.com/63605010 0223--2478-0224--2479 La Danse - by Carin Perron (1957-2003) http://pasttimesandpresnttensions.blogspot.ru/2013/10/la-danse-by-carin-perron-1957-2003.html Isadora Duncan, by Henri Dropsy Art Nouveau Bronze Medallion, uniface, issued by V. Canale, 1912 100mm, featured on the cover 2480. Isadora Duncan by Natalia Mikhaylenko http://www.flickr.com/photos/natalia_mikhaylenko/ https://www.facebook.com/natalia.mikhaylenko.9 http://rbth.ru/arts/2014/02/01/isadora_duncan_dancing_with_russians_33731.html 2493. Decor pour le Theatre des Champs-Elysees, d'apres Isadora Duncan http://www.bourdelle.paris.fr/fr/oeuvre/decor-pour-le-theatre-des-champs-elysees-dapres-isadora-duncan 2496. Masque d'Isadora Duncan http://www.bourdelle.paris.fr/fr/oeuvre/masque-disadora-duncan 2499. https://histoire-image.org/sites/default/styles/galerie_principale/public/asa11_davidson_01f.jpg https://histoire-image.org/fr/etudes/isadora-duncan-entre-hellenisme-modernite Isadora Duncan entre hellénisme et modernité Auteur : Gabriella ASARO 2504-2510. Рисунки Валентина Леконта. Desenhos feitos por Valentine Lecomte captando o espirito da danca de Isadora Duncan. Extraidos do livro Movimentos em solo - A danca de Isadora Duncan, emprestado por Marilia Zarattini. http://velhosnovospapeis.blogspot.ru/2010/04/fronteira.html 2514. Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) - ISADORA DUNCAN 2517. Georges Barbier, in a dress resembling the Fortuny Delphos she often wore, 1917 2518. Isadora Duncan, illustrated by Georges Barbier, in a dress resembling the Fortuny Delphos she often wore, 1917. https://66.media.tumblr.com/e335e7c10846667bac2960755ab88569/tumblr_mphtoszkx11r1p7nfo1_1280.jpg https://didoofcarthage.tumblr.com/image/187315640756 2519. ISADORA DUNCAN Caricature - DAVID LEVINE - NY REVIEW OF BOOKS http://silezukuk.tumblr.com/post/312713151 2520. Olaf Gulbransson - Isadora Duncan at Orpheus and Euridice http://silezukuk.tumblr.com/post/2323545337 "Orpheus and Eurydice. Rhythmic study based on Euripides' Bacchae. Bacchus and Ariadne, a dance based on Titian's painting of the name. "Mein kleine Danz is finished"." http://weirdocorner.blogspot.ru/2010/12/olaf-gulbransson-master-of-line.html Dionysius (also known as Bacchus to the Greeks and Romans) leading a dance. Duncan, Isadora, 26.5.1977 - 14.9.1927, American dancer, caricature, drawing by Olaf Gulbransson, "Simplicissimus", Munich, 2536. Isadora Duncan (Jules Grandjouan) http://carina.se/slideshow.php?directory=images/grandjouan¤tPic=18&l=en 2560 Josef Paget-Fredericks - Prelude et mort d'Iseult 2561 Isadora Duncan by Yelena Bryksenkova 2562 Alfred Philippe Roll - A Call to Arms (Isadora Duncan) 2563 Isadora Duncan by Edward Gordon Craig http://www.memoryprints.com/image/443532/isadora-duncan-by-edward-gordon-craig 2565 Abraham Walkowitz's Drawings of Isadora Duncan 2566. Isadora Duncan by Anka Sevic 2578. Чернышев Н.М. Танец Исидоры Дункан. 1932 http://maslovka.info/images/555/CHE-38.jpg http://www.maslovka.info/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=109 http://www.liveinternet.ru/community/2332998/post289804797/ 2579-2589 Jules Grandjouan (French) https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.255321347997475&type=1 http://www.artnet.com/artists/jules-grandjouan/past-auction-results 2590. Edward Gordon Craig (British, 1872–1966) http://www.artnet.com/artists/edward-gordon-craig/isadora-duncan-O-wclg0ZyasUM37I-Nvr_w2 http://www.artnet.com/artists/Edward-Gordon-Craig/past-auction-results Abraham Walkowitz http://www.artnet.com/artists/Abraham-Walkowitz/past-auction-results http://www.artnet.com/galleries/zabriskie-gallery/artist-abraham-walkowitz/ 2591. Abraham Walkowitz (American, 1878–1965) - Abstract Isadora Duncan http://www.artnet.com/artists/abraham-walkowitz/abstract-isadora-duncan-isadora-duncan-three-Shdl0KSm88L2ya0ffIIpjQ2 2592. Abraham Walkowitz (American, 1878–1965) - Isadora Duncan with purple dress http://www.artnet.com/artists/abraham-walkowitz/isadora-duncan-with-purple-dress-isadora-duncan-12KMqc3wLnWMobwF0KqXLw2 2593. Robert Henri (American, 1865–1929) http://www.artnet.com/artists/robert-henri/isadora-duncan-IH0dSZcpgTvWbQFFDigAKw2 2594. Valentine Hugo (French, 1890–1968) http://www.artnet.com/artists/valentine-hugo/isadora-duncan-in-iphigenie-and-orphee-vfxeoymayI3PJNUhM1wn4g2 2595. Valentine Hugo (French, 1890–1968) - Isadora Duncan dansant (6 works) http://www.artnet.com/artists/valentine-hugo/isadora-duncan-dansant-6-works-kUbNg0K-Mql47EnqOp1S_Q2 2596 Jean-Bernard Descomps (French, 1872–1948) http://www.artnet.com/artists/jean-bernard-descomps/isadora-duncan-lumiere-pgjG1jfTd0cvJhhnQa7IsA2 2597 Antoon van Welie (Dutch, 1866–1956) http://www.artnet.com/artists/antoon-van-welie/isadora-duncan-7vSEYCy5_r-xlqhRl1PPEg2 2613 Isadora Duncan - by Ulva Ugerup, Sweden http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_putkmqwnPhc/S6jLVvicndI/AAAAAAAAAEI/n_aPHKMymTE/s1600-h/F1000031.JPG http://ulvaugerup.blogspot.ru/2010_03_01_archive.html 2619 Pastorale (Isadora Duncan), 1912 http://www.artnet.com/artists/maurice-denis/pastorale-isadora-duncan-Ev6C52_FilGQ1JPmfbnU-A2 2620 DUNCAN, Isadora] LECOMTE, Valentine. LECOMTE, Valentine Lecomte's 1920 drawing of Isadora Duncan 2621 LECOMTE, Valentine. The Dance of Isadora Duncan. Pencil Studies from Life Made During Recitals in the Theatres of Paris from 1903 to 1927 The Dance of Isadora Duncan. Pencil Studies from Life Made During Recitals in the Theatres of Paris from 1903 to 1927 by Valentine Lecomte. 47 Planches Each Printed Separately by Raymond Duncan in the Printing Studio of his Akademia Rue de Seine Paris. http://pictures.abebooks.com/SOTHERANS/14641211995.jpg http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=14641211995 2624. Isadora Duncan by Edward Craig, 1907 http://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/06722fc0-8ac6-0131-9683-58d385a7b928 Image ID 5189779. Division: Jerome Robbins Dance Division. Creator: Craig, Edward Gordon, 1872-1966. 2630. Miss Duncan and her pupils. From a pen and ink sketch (greatly enlarged) made during a performance at the Century Theatre, by Victor Hall. С эскиза (сильно увеличенного) ручкой и чернилами, сделанного в ходе выступления в Театре Века, рис. Виктор Хол. 2631. Ligoa dancing with ID _ V Lecomte. 2632. Butterfly Etude - Running with scarf Jose Clara. 2634. Painting Isadora Duncan By Angela Yarber on May 11, 2013 • ( 16 ) http://feminismandreligion.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/isadora.jpg http://feminismandreligion.com/2013/05/11/painting-isadora-duncan-by-angela-yarber/ Она изменила мир танца. Она изменила мир религии. Она изменила мир женщин. Поэтому мы никогда не забудем имя Святой Айседоры. 2635. Paul Swan - Portrait of Isadora Duncan Wearing a Blue Dress and Coloured Bead Necklace, 1922. There is obviously a portrait likeness with the author (Paul Swan), but in any case not with Isadora Duncan. http://www.glreview.org/article/article-971/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ezO15DwDqc 2650. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ea/Isodora_Duncan_par_Antoine_Bourdelle.jpg/640px-Isodora_Duncan_par_Antoine_Bourdelle.jpg 2652. Isadora Duncan estampe by Jules Chadel http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b105078639 Etudes d'Isadora Duncan dessin by Jules Chadel http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b10507882p 2654 Isadora Duncan. Iphigenie de Gluck https://www.museunacional.cat/sites/default/files/094170-d_007160.jpg https://www.museunacional.cat/en/colleccio/isadora-duncan-iphigenie-de-gluck/josep-clara/094170-d 2661. Isadora Duncan, Klods by Valdemar Andersen https://imgc.allpostersimages.com/img/print/u-g-PSB3XI0.jpg https://www.allposters.com/-sp/Isadora-Duncan-Klods-Posters_i12770869_.htm 2662. Isadora Duncan, Simplicis by Rudolf Wilke https://imgc.allpostersimages.com/img/print/u-g-PSAZ9K0.jpg https://www.allposters.com/-sp/Isadora-Duncan-Simplicis-Posters_i12770427_.htm 2724. Michel Costiou "Le Chemin des Ombres" ` Путь теней https://www.facebook.com/michel.costiou/posts/10205696173227172?pnref=story http://www.michelcostiou.fr Amy Swanson Salmon https://facebook.com/amy.swansonsalmon 2727. Anastasia Trivia: The musical number “Paris Holds the Key (To Your Heart)” includes cameos by various historical characters from the time including Maurice Chevalier, Sigmund Freud, Charles A. Lindbergh, Josephine Baker, Claude Monet, Isadora Duncan, Auguste Rodin, and Gertrude Stein. https://78.media.tumblr.com/4954498e18115ee005187d24b9f98ca2/tumblr_n93ngaFEdn1qbhmovo6_540.jpg http://mydollyaviana.tumblr.com/post/92509285086/anastasia-triviathe-musical-number-paris-holds/embed 2744. I Know a Woman: Four Pioneering Women Who Shaped Our World https://anthro.kinocreative.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/women-in-history-Isadora-Duncan.jpg https://www.anthropologie.com/en-gb/blog/women-in-history-who-shaped-our-world/ Isadora was gloriously eccentric and determined to live life on her own terms—she rejected the conventions of formal ballet dancing, and pranced and leaped to a fame achieved in the drawing rooms of Europe. Her bohemian life—she was bisexual, an atheist and a communist—was studded with tragedy; her three children were drowned when their nanny drove into the Seine river. She famously died when her long silk scarf became entangled in the wheels of her open-top car. 07/3/2018 2745. Arthur Bowen Davies, Dances, 1914 https://fineartamerica.com/featured/dances-arthur-bowen-davies.html https://ru.wahooart.com/@@/8XX8NT-Arthur-Bowen-Davies-Танцы https://www.dia.org/art/collection/object/dances-42130 2754. Isadora Duncan. Ave Maria 1 https://www.museunacional.cat/sites/default/files/099810-D.JPG https://www.museunacional.cat/en/colleccio/isadora-duncan-dancing-ave-maria/josep-clara/099810-d 2755. Nils Dardel (Swedish, 1888-1943), Isadora Duncan and Clive Bell. 2755 Nils Dardel (Swedish, 1888-1943), Isadora Duncan and Clive Bell. https://69.media.tumblr.com/866590431ffbe1ee3068cbdd839689c7/tumblr_nsd0cjPr2w1u6x3h6o1_1280.jpg 2765. Isadora by Jules Grandjouan http://isadoraduncanarchive.org/static/media/archive/IsadoraDrawing.jpg http://isadoraduncanarchive.org/collection/archives/172 2766. Andre Dunoyer de Segonzac [1884-1974] ISADORA DUNCAN: TWO WORKS ON PAPER https://www.sothebys.com/content/dam/stb/lots/N08/N08293/N08293-183-lr-1.jpg http://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2007/impressionist-modern-art-n08293/lot.183.html The first signed A. Dunoyer de Segonzac, dated 1910, and titled Bachanale Isadora Duncan (lower right); inscribed Pour Marina le souvenir de la Grande Isadora Duncan tous mes voeux les meilleurs en 1966 / "Bacchanale" Danse d'Isadora a le "Gaite Lyrique" a Paris 1910 and signed again (on the backing); the second signed A. D. de Segonzac, and titled Danse Guerriere-Isadora (along bottom edge). 2768. Isadora Duncan, 1932 by Abraham Walkowitz (American, 1878-1965) https://images.skinnerinc.com/full/107/1199107.jpg https://www.skinnerinc.com/auctions/3140B/lots/357 2761. Robert Henri 2770. Isadora Duncan dansant by Jules Grandjouan (French) http://www.artnet.com/WebServices/images/ll00060lld72uGFgU7S62CfDrCWvaHBOcYTKD/jules-grandjouan-isadora-duncan-dansant.jpg http://www.artnet.com/artists/jules-grandjouan/isadora-duncan-dansant-C6ylVMOomuM7eLbnTbjbSA2 2771. Isadora Duncan by Sylvia Mota 2018 2772. Isadora Duncan by Stephen Tennant 2773. Isadora Duncan by Marie Penetro 2775. Jessica Dismorr’s Izidora IZIDORA (Isadora) by (Jessica) Jessie Dismorr [1885—1939] Rhythm Magazine 1911 (Vol.1, No.2), page 20 London: The Saint Catherine Press, Autumn 1911 Isadora Duncan at an exhibition in Chichester http://www.flashpointmag.com/dismorr_rhythm_izadora.jpg https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2019/dec/13/jessica-dismorr-izidora https://gramho.com/explore-hashtag/jessicadismorr Dance was an important art form for the Rhythm group. Dismorr chose to portray Isadora Duncan (1877—1927) a dance pioneer famous for performing bare-foot, sometimes en plein air, unrestricted by pointe shoes and corseted costumes. 2783. Tribute to Isadora Duncan, 1927 https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/e2uELo08bZ3uF_4NiXVFmSFcIz7_CtEd_s5bQhiimI7wDOgqUmggRxbqc5q04X0F8ac https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/tribute-to-isadora-duncan/0AET1OwyD1JYzg 2790. Isadora Duncan dansant, 1913 by Valentine Hugo (French, 1890–1968) http://www.artnet.com/WebServices/images/ll00073lld5QFJFg5peR3CfDrCWvaHBOc7DvE/valentine-hugo-isadora-duncan-dansant.jpg http://www.artnet.com/artists/valentine-hugo/isadora-duncan-dansant-AbJAZFvZYGSEJQp4259_5g2 http://www.artnet.com/artists/valentine-hugo/ http://www.artnet.com/search/artists/?q=Valentine%20Hugo 2791. Isadora Duncan by Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917) http://www.artnet.com/WebServices/images/ll00396lld2DRJFgePECfDrCWvaHBOc9yFF/auguste-rodin-isadora-duncan.jpg http://www.artnet.com/artists/auguste-rodin/isadora-duncan-fCL9e38XCu3uFot0ZUPxtg2 2793. Isadora Duncan by Gabriella ASARO https://histoire-image.org/sites/default/asa11_davidson_01f.jpg https://histoire-image.org/de/etudes/isadora-duncan-entre-hellenisme-modernite 2797. Isabel Ruiz "Mujeres" Isadora Duncan https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/max_1200/f7abf728214161.563716cec1a03.JPG https://www.behance.net/gallery/28214161/Isadora-Duncan-Mujeres 2799. Portrait de profil d'Isadora Duncan https://catalogue.gazette-drouot.com/images/perso/full/LOT/92/77327/49.jpg https://www.beaussant-lefevre.com/recherche?query=AUBURTIN http://www.google.ru/search?q=+auburtin+site:beaussant-lefevre.com https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.1328016567394609&type=3 * 3005. The Untold Story: The Life Of Isadora Duncan 1921 To 1927 - Mary Desti http://www.hartsfinebooks.com/pages/books/1300/mary-desti/the-untold-story-the-life-of-isadora-duncan-1921-1927 http://www.hartsfinebooks.com/pictures/1300.JPG Kessinger Publishing, 2004. - Всего страниц: 328 1929. Illustrated. From her best friend Mary Desti, comes the story of the colorful life of Isadora Duncan who is known as the mother of modern dance and founder of the New System of interpretive dance, which blends together poetry, music and the rhythms of nature. Shunning the formality of conventional ballet she would dance barefoot and in simple Greek apparel. Known for wearing long scarves that trailed behind her Duncan died a tragic and infamous death when one of them became entangled in the wheel of her automobile. She is remembered today as the most famous dancer of her time. ISBN 1417912197, 9781417912193 3035. Юлия Андреева. Айседора Дункан. Жрица любви и танца - М.: Вече, 2013 г. ISBN: 978-5-4444-1535-1 https://books.google.ru/books?id=V5dOCwAAQBAJ http://www.azamok.nm.ru 3058. Айседора Дункан. Моя исповедь. Рига "ЛИЕСМА" 1991. Текст мемуаров, включая имена собственные и топонимические наименования, воспроизводятся по рижскому изданию 1928 года. 3061. Мэри Дести. Нерассказанная история ISBN 5-300-02465-1 Серия: Избранницы судьбы. Год выпуска: 1999. Издатель: Терра-Книжный клуб Книга повествует о судьбе знаменитой танцовщицы Айседоры Дункан, о ее творчестве, о сложных отношениях с Сергеем Есениным, о ее жизни в России… В книгу включены автобиография Айседоры Дункан "Моя жизнь", в которой описаны события до 1921 года, и воспоминания ее подруги Мэри Дести, в которых личная жизнь Дункан воспроизведена вплоть до ее смерти в 1927 году. 3066. Айседора Дункан: Дункан А. Моя жизнь / Пер. с англ. Я.Яковлева; Шнейдер И. Встречи с Есениным. - М.: Информационно-издательский дом "ПРОФИЗДАТ", 1997. - 432 с.: ил. Эта книга включает в себя автобиографическую повесть знаменитой американской танцовщицы Айседоры Дункан "Моя жизнь" и воспоминания Ильи Шнейдера - современника Дункан - о жизни и творчестве актрисы в России, о ее встрече с Сергеем Есениным, об истории их большой любви, которую современники назвали "горьким романом". Книга адресуется самому широкому кругу читателей. 3099. Рославлева Наталья. Prechistenka 20: The Isadora Duncan School in Moscow by Natalia Roslavleva. Dance Perspectives 64. Пречистенка 20: Школа Айседоры Дункан в Москве. - Нью-Йорк, 1975. https://goskatalog.ru/portal/#/collections?id=11931106 Размер: 224х190х4 мм. Номер в Госкаталоге: 11814124. Номер по ГИК (КП): ГМЗЕ ОНФ-11255. Инвентарный номер: АМ-241. Местонахождение: Государственный музей-заповедник С.А. Есенина. 3200. El Final De Isadora Duncan - Mary Desti http://www.danzaballet.com/el-final-de-isadora-duncan-de-mary-desti/ http://www.danzaballet.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/el-final-de.jpg http://articulo.mercadolibre.com.ar/MLA-573540704-el-final-de-isadora-duncan-mary-desti-_JM http://mla-s2-p.mlstatic.com/el-final-de-isadora-duncan-mary-desti-4129-MLA2822099867_062012-F.jpg http://articulo.mercadolibre.com.ar/MLA-576900665-libro-de-arte-duncan-isadora-biografia-mary-desti-_JM http://mla-s1-p.mlstatic.com/libro-de-arte-duncan-isadora-biografia-mary-desti-6605-MLA5089160013_092013-O.jpg http://articulo.mercadolibre.com.ar/MLA-569878021-desti-mary-el-final-de-isadora-duncan-_JM http://mla-s1-p.mlstatic.com/desti-mary-el-final-de-isadora-duncan-12204-MLA20057051400_032014-O.jpg http://articulo.mercadolibre.com.ar/MLA-576256560-libro-el-final-de-isadora-duncan-mary-desti-1945-_JM http://mla-s1-p.mlstatic.com/libro-el-final-de-isadora-duncan-mary-desti-1945-318601-MLA20379436981_082015-F.jpg 3014 Isadora Duncan: An Intimate Portrait Paperback – March 31, 2003 by Sewell Stokes (Author) http://www.amazon.com/dp/0766144038?tag=isadorduncans-20&camp=14573 3057. Framed Giclee Print by Alexander Alexeieff http://www.art.com/products/p22166944234-sa-i7760171/alexander-alexeieff-isadora-duncan.htm 3059. Курция Феррари. Танец - жизнь. "Божественная" Айседора Дункан. Серия: La "Divina" Isidora Duncan - Издательство: XXI век, 2002. - с., илл. ISBN: 5-88485-108-1 3060. СЛЕД в ИСТОРИИ Айседора Дункан Танец будущего. Моя жизнь - Страница 179 http://www.istmira.com/razlichnoe/tanec-budushhego-moya-zhizn/page/179/ С Л Е Д в И С Т О Р И И «Айседора Дункан взяла у природы ту силу, которая зовется уже не талантом, а гением» [Огюст Роден]. «Айседора Дункан делает музыку прозрачной». «...Она была предтечей. Что бы она ни делала, все делалось с огромной легкостью — так, по крайнЫ! мере, казалось. Именно это придавало ей видимость силы. Она выпустила танец в наш мир в твердой уверенности, что творит великое и истинное. Так и было. Она отбросила балетные юбки и балетные мысли. Она отвергла обувь и чулки. Она надела какие-то лоскуты, которые на вешалке более всего походили на изорванные тряпки; когда же она надевала их, они преображались. Обычно театральные костюмы преображают исполнителей, но теперь она, надевая эти лоскуты, преображала их. Она превращала их в чудеса, и они говорили при каждом ее шаге...» [Из выступления Гордона Крэга по английскому радио]. ISBN 5-222-00-293-4, 9785222002933 Айседора Дункан — всемирно известная американская танцовщица, одна из основоположниц танца «модерн», всегда была популярна в России. Здесь она жила в 1921–1924 гг., организовала собственную студию, была замужем за Сергеем Есениным. Несмотря на прижизненную славу, личная жизнь Айседоры Дункан была полна трагических событий. Это описано в се мемуарах «Танец будущего» и «Моя жизнь». Во второй части книги помещены воспоминания И. И. Шнейдера «Встречи с Есениным», где отражены годы жизни и творчества танцовщицы в нашей стране. Книга адресуется самому широкому кругу читателей. ISBN: 978-5-9533-4275-9 http://bukvo.net/human/documentary/18607-tanec-budushhego-moya-zhizn-vstrechi-s-eseninym.html 3062. Морис Левер. Айседора Дункан: роман одной жизни. Сергей Есенин. Роман с Петроградом // Серия: Жизнь замечательных людей : 2006 г. ISBN: 5-235-02807-4 http://coollib.net/b/184387/read http://royallib.ru/read/lever_moris/aysedora_dunkan_roman_odnoy_gizni.html#0 http://www.litmir.net/br/?b=159346 http://читать-онлайн.рф/new/index.php?id=24095 http://www.e-reading.co.uk/book.php?book=1010158 http://www.e-reading.co.uk/bookreader.php/1010158/Lever_-_Aysedora_Dunkan__roman_odnoy_zhizni.html http://www.likebook.ru/books/download/196984/ http://www.likebook.ru/books/txt/196984/?key=2jbbe4vhebn6cfp03qnchcrkb3 3064. Дункан Ирма, Макдугалл Алан Росс. Русские дни Айседоры Дункан и ее последние годы во Франции / Пер. с англ. Вступ. ст., комментарий Г. Лахути. - М.: Моск. рабочий, 1995. - 271 с. ISBN 5-239-01848-0 http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/3872713/ 3065. Айседора Дункан. Моя жизнь - М.: Контракт-ТМТ, 1992. - 192 с.: ил. ISBN S-85058-009-3 Мемуары. Составитель и автор послесловия "В Росссию с любовью" И.Я.Романовский. Биографическая книга, выпущенна впервые в СССР в 1930 г. В книгу включена и выпущенная в 1907 г. в России отдельным изданием лекция А.Дункан "Танец будущего". http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/146905/ Айседора Дункан. Серия: Прекрасная дама. Издательство: Профиздат. Твердый переплет, 432 стр. ISBN 5-255-01308-0 http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/3860476/ Айседора Дункан. Моя жизнь My Life. Издательства: Федерация, Круг, 1992 г. Твердый переплет, 288 стр. http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/4650853/ Айседора Дункан. Моя жизнь. My Life. Издательство: Центрполиграф, 2009 г. Твердый переплет, 360 стр. ISBN 978-5-9524-4398-3 http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/2315819/ Айседора Дункан. Моя исповедь. Издательство: Лиесма, 1991 г. Мягкая обложка, 288 стр. ISBN 5-410-00982-7 3068. Айседора Дункан и Сергей Есенин. Их жизнь, творчество, судьба (ред.-сост., вступ.ст., пер. Краснов И.М.). Издательство: Терра (2005). ISBN 5-275-01262-4 3073. Дункан А. Моя жизнь; Шнейдер И. Встречи с Есениным: Воспоминания. - Киев: Мистецтво, 1989. - 349 с.: ил. ISBN 5-7715-0195-6 3074. Наталья Аляшева. Айседора Дункан. Документальные свидетельства и фантазии. Издательство: Урал ЛТД. 2000. Твердый переплет, 442 стр. ISBN 5-8029-0139-X http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/85482/ 3075. Блэйер Ф. Айседора: Портрет женщины и актрисы / Перевод с англ. Е.Гусевой. - Смоленск: Русич, 1997. - 560 с. - («Женщина-миф»). ISBN 5-88590-642-4 http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/2413272/ 3078. Курт П. Айседора. Неистовый танец жизни. Isadora. A Sensational Life - М.: Изд-во Эксмо, 2002. - 768 с., илл. ISBN 5-699-00762-8 http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/1275315/ 3079. Есенин и Айседора Дункан. Серия: Любовные истории великих (Сост. Т.И.Маршкова). Издательство: Алгоритм, - М., 2007 г. Твердый переплет, 288 стр. ISBN 978-5-9265-0330-9 http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/3203610/ 3081. Нонна Голикова. Сергей и Айседора. - М.: Вагриус, 2005. - 256 с.: ил. ISBN 5-9697-0003-7 http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/2312126/ 3087. Галина Дюмонд. Венок Айседоры. - ЛИО "Редактор", С-Петербург, 1995 г. - 128 с. ISBN: 5-94320-010-Х http://www.moskva-petushki.ru/pisateli/62/ 3088. Каталог с выставки "Античный профиль танца" Василий Ватагин, Матвей Добров, Николай Чернышев (Айседоре Дункан посвящается), 24 августа - 20 октября 2006, Москва: Изд-во Музей графики. ISBN 5-900395-16-2 3089. Стефанида Руднева. Воспоминания счастливого человека. - М.: Главархив, 2007. - 856 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-7728-0152-9 ISBN 978-5-8330-0249-0 3100. Руднева С., Фиш Э. Музыкальное движение. Методическое пособие для педагогов музыкально-двигательного воспитания, работающих с детьми дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста. 2-е изд., перераб. и дополн. / Под ред. В. Царьковой. -СПб.: Издательский Центр "Гуманитарная Академия", 2000. - 320 с. ISBN 5-93762-003-8 http://ecodance.chat.ru http://www.bookdk.com/muzika/345287/ http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/1907840/?type=308 http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/1903874/ http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/2192502/ http://www.bookshop.ua/asp/annot.asp?bid=539422 3112. Левинсон, А.Я. Старый и новый балет. Пг.: Издательство «Свободное искусство», [1919]. 129, [7] с.: ил. 28?19 см. Рисунок переплета и титульный лист выполнены А. Арнштамом. В составном иллюстрированном издательском переплете и в иллюстрированной суперобложке. Издание было отпечатано в количестве 1000 нумерованных экземпляров. Богато иллюстрированная работа театрального критика Андрея Левинсона рассматривает традиции старой балетной школы и новаторство, введенное Айседорой Дункан и такими балетмейстерами, как М. Фокин и В. Нижинский. «Отправной точкой и существом понимания балета, придающим единство изложению, явилось для меня захватывающее и бесподобное откровение классического танца. „В защиту и прославление“ последнего я и выступил с первой же своей статьей». 3113. Дункан А. Танец будущего. 1908 - М. Изд. "Заря", 1908. Уникальное прижизненное издание на русском языке. Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет культуры и искусств. http://elibrary.spbguki.ru/rsl01003748311/view http://vk.com/doc-46615297_264482111 http://cs537121.vk.me/u36018247/docs/51e3d8b0dbbd/Tanets_buduschego_1908.pdf 3121. Сироткина И. Свободное движение и пластический танец в России. -М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2011. - 320 с. ISBN 978-5-86793-924-3 https://books.google.ru/books?id=MEuaBQAAQBAJ http://coollib.net/b/302348 http://ftp.coollib.net/b.fb2/Sirotkina_Svobodnoe_dvizhenie_i_plasticheskiy_tanets_v_Rossii.302348.fb2.zip 3124. Айседора Дункан, Аллан Росс Макдугалл, И. Шнейдер, Ирма Дункан. Есенин. Дункан. Воспоминания. - Издательство ПРОЗАиК, М., 2011. Серия Внесерийное издание. Страниц 688. ISBN: 978-5-91631-104-4 http://www.moscowbooks.ru/book.asp?id=555153 http://www.exlibrus.de/?q=ru/shop/book/view/24955 3125. Молева Н.М. Есенин без Дункан, или Обратная сторона солнца. - Издательство Астрель, М., 2010. Серия: Кумиры. Истории Великой Любви. 320 стр. ISBN: 978-5-7390-2355-1, 978-5-271-23227-5. Штрихкод: 9785271232275 http://www.bookvoed.ru/book?id=396067 http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/5539225/ 3131. Светлов В. Терпсихора: Статьи. Очерки. Заметки. СПб.: [Арт. Зав. А.Ф. Маркса], 1906 г. 351 стр. http://www.knigaline.ru/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=1635&category_id=119&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=29 Валериан Яковлевич Светлов (Ивченко) (1860-1935) - балетный критик, коллекционер, журналист, эмигрант, муж балерины В.А.Трефиловой. Принимал участие в организации Русских Сезонов в Париже в 1909 г. В 1910-16 - ред. ж. "Нива". С 1890-х гг. в разл. периодич. изд. публиковал ст. об отеч. балете, часть из них вошла в сб. "Терпсихора" (1906). Активный сторонник иск-ва А. Дункан, новаторских исканий М. Фокина. Этим вопросам посвящена книга "Современный балет" (1911). Значительная часть книги "Терпсихора" посвящена «хореографическим силуэтам», в которых представлены характеристики балетного искусства и творчества М.Кшесинской, Е.Гельцер, А.Павловой, М.Петипа. В статьях Светлова есть отклики и на современные события в мире балета, в частности, описание гастролей А.Дункан на отечественной театральной сцене. В книгах освещались дискуссии вокруг реформ нач. 20 в., творчества А.Дункан, А.А.Горского, M.M.Фокина. Балет привлек внимание деятелей культуры и смежных искусств, занимавших разл. эстетич. позиции. О хореографии начали писать А.Н.Бенуа, А.Я.Левинсон, Я.А.Тугендхольд, А.Л.Волынский, А.А.Черепнин, Б.В.Асафьев. 3152. Куняев Ст., Куняев С. Сергей Есенин // Серия: Жизнь замечательных людей, изд. 2006 г. 211 стр. Издательство: Молодая гвардия, 2010 г. Страниц: 608 (Офсет). ISBN: 5-235-02903-8, ISBN: 978-8-235-03084-8, ISBN: 978-5-235-03363-4 http://www.e-reading.co.uk/book.php?book=94327 http://royallib.ru/read/kunyaev_stanislav/sergey_esenin.html#0 http://royallib.ru/get/txt/kunyaev_stanislav/sergey_esenin.zip 3153. Баранов В. Сергей Есенин. Роман с Петроградом : роман-хроника в документах и воспоминаниях / М-во культуры и молодеж. политики Самар. обл., Самар. обл. писат. орг. - Самара, 2009. - 360 с. На тит. л.: проект "Народная библиотека Самарской губернии". ISBN: 978-5-909319-14-4 http://vbibl.ru/literatura/7943/index.html http://vbibl.ru/download/literatura-7943/7943.doc http://www.martial-site.ru/literatura/1025/index.html http://www.martial-site.ru/download/literatura-1025/1025.doc http://litsamara.com/?p=62 http://litsamara.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Баранов-Сергей-Есенин.-Роман.doc 3154. Молоствов Н.Г. Айседора Дункан (Беседа с А.Л.Волынским). 1908 - Санкт-Петербург : типо-лит. "Печ. искусство", 1908. - 15 с. ; 22. - Вар. загл. : Дункан Айседора. - Б.ц. Молоствов, Николай Германович (1871-1910). Айседора Дункан : (Беседа с А.Л. Волынским). [Электронный ресурс] Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет культуры и искусств. http://elibrary.spbguki.ru/rsl01003750762/view http://vk.com/doc-46615297_264486620 http://cs540108.vk.me/c537621/u36018247/docs/b47c0718ac3b/Molostvov_N_G_Aysedora_Dunkan_Beseda_s_A_L_Vo.pdf 3155. Ольга Тер-Газарян. Есенин и Айседора Дункан. Одна душа на двоих. - Серия: Величайшие истории любви. Издательство: Рипол-Классик, 2014 г. Страниц: 256 (Газетная). ISBN: 978-5-386-06908-7 http://www.labirint.ru/books/416313/ 3157. История в Женских портретах №8 от 05.03.2013. Айседора Дункан. DeAgostini (ДеАгостини): 2013. http://nacekomie.ru/forum/files/201309/34826_36b5b2d18cd15e14539f414329b93b7e.jpg http://mirknig.online/p/84nd 3158. Елена Арсеньева. И звезды любить умеют - 6. Саламандра (Айседора Дункан) // Жанр: Исторические любовные романы. Исторические новеллы о любви. М.: Эксмо, 2004, страниц: 379. ISBN: 5-699-07298-5, 978-5-699-30915-3, 9785699072989 http://knizhnik.org/elena-arsenjeva/salamandra-ajsedora-dunkan/1 http://libes.ru/107909.htm 3159. Безелянский Ю.Н. Прыжок в вечность (Айседора Дункан) // Вера, Надежда, Любовь... : Женские портр. - Москва : Радуга, 1998. Издательство: АСТ, Астрель, Транзиткнига. М., 2006. 477 стр. ISBN: 5-17-034936-X, 5-271-13213-7, 5-9578-3402-5 http://iknigi.net/avtor-yuriy-bezelyanskiy/49946-vera-nadezhda-lyubov-zhenskie-portrety-yuriy-bezelyanskiy.html http://iknigi.net/books_files/txt/49946.zip 3160. Марченко А. Есенин. Путь и беспутье - Издательство: Астрель. М., 2012. 610 стр., 40 илл. ISBN: 978-5-271-39257-3 http://coollib.com/b/234286/read http://esenin.ru/retsenzii/pavlov-u-alla-marchenko-esenin-bez-esenina-ili-put-v-bespute.html 3170. Каплунова, И.Новоскольцева И. Праздник каждый день: конспекты музыкальных занятий с аудиоприложением : 5 книг + 12 CD. -СПб.: Издательство: Композитор изд-во ЗАО. Год издания: 2009. Серия: Ладушки. ISBN: 979-0-66004-955-6, 979-0-66004-54 Ключевое слово для поиска: "Prazdnik_kagdij_den" http://muzruk.if.ua/component/search/Каплунова http://ladushki-book.ru 3172. Isadora Duncan, fille de Promethee http://www.bourdelle.paris.fr/fr/oeuvre/isadora-duncan-fille-de-promethee Proses de Fernand Divoire decorees par E. A. Bourdelle, editees par Les Muses francaises, 1919, 60 p. 3182. Мой муж Сергей Есенин - Издательство: АСТ. М., 2014. ISBN: 978-5-17-082976-7 http://www.litmir.net/br/?b=197821&p=64 http://vk.com/doc146814364_283698390 3183. VTG Isadora Duncan Martha Graham Modern Dance Ballet Paper Dolls - Tierney http://i.ebayimg.com/t/VTG-Isadora-Duncan-Martha-Graham-Modern-Dance-Ballet-Paper-Dolls-Tierney-/00/s/NjY5WDEwMDA=/z/VbUAAMXQyY1TVnu-/$_57.JPG http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VTG-Isadora-Duncan-Martha-Graham-Modern-Dance-Ballet-Paper-Dolls-Tierney-/331183299694 3184. Жюль-Феликс Гранджуан. Альбом пастелей Изадоры Дункан. https://m.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.255321347997475&type=1 L’album de pastels d’Isadora Duncan by Jules-Felix Grandjouan Isadora Duncan by Jules Grandjouan (1875-1968, ca. 1912, France) http://carina.se/slideshow.php?directory=images/grandjouan¤tPic=18&l=en http://www.artnet.com/Artists/LotDetailPage.aspx?lot_id=C39D201F77C6AE1E http://www.artnet.com/artists/jules-grandjouan/past-auction-results http://www.artnet.com/artists/jules-grandjouan/isadora-duncan-HiAXq2KgszrJrKEqADWqaQ2 http://labouchedefer.free.fr/spip.php?article41&lang=fr http://www.oulala.net/Portail/IMG/article_PDF/article_884.pdf 3188. Arnold Genthe Isadora Duncan Twenty Four Studies (1929) http://www.rubylane.com/item/731-RLx2034594/Arnold-Genthe-Isadora-Duncan-Twenty-Four 3189. Dance Instruction Manuals La danse et la gymnastique, par Raymond Duncan; conference faite le 4 mai 1914, a l'Universite hellenique, Salle de geographie... http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/ampage?collId=musdi&fileName=062/musdi062.db&recNum=0&itemLink=r?ammem/musdi:@field(DOCID+@lit(M062))%230620001&linkText=1 http://memory.loc.gov/musdi/062/0001.gif 3190. Август 1985: жизнь айседора Дункан, 1921-27 Мэри desti (1929, книга в твердом переплете) http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTYwMFgxMDc4/z/9KIAAOSwYGFUxZlf/$_58.JPG http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/321651732790?item=321651732790&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&rmvSB=true 3191. 1932 An Amazing Journey: Isadora Duncan in South America, Maurice Dumesnil, HCDJ http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/ODAwWDY3OQ==/z/1vkAAOSwwTlUnxBe/$_58.JPG http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/161589393884?item=161589393884&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&rmvSB=true 3199. Der Tanz Der Zukunft (The Dance of the Future) Eine Vorlesung . Verlegt Bei Eugen Dieterichs, Leipzig 1903. Writen in German. 3203. Валентина Пашинина. Неизвестный Есенин // Жанр: Биографии и мемуары. - Киев : Фирма Деркул, 2007 г. 114 стр. ISBN: 978-966-581-912-7 http://romanbook.ru/book/6832691/ http://www.litmir.co/bd/?b=200149 3204. Сидорина Н.К. Златоглавый. Тайны жизни и гибели Есенина. - М., Классика плюс, 1995. С.90, 88. ISBN: 5-89073-001-0; - Калининград: Янтарный сказ, 2006. – 320 с., ил. ISBN 5-7406-0959-2; http://www.vixri.com/d/Sidorina%20N.%20%20_Zlatoglavyj.%20Tajna%20zhizni%20i%20gibeli%20S.Esenina.pdf http://www.twirpx.com/file/1420466/ 3212. REAL ISADORA DUNCAN by VICTOR SEROFF, HUTCHINSON, Hardcover, 1972. 3225. Анатолий Мариенгоф. Роман без вранья. Воспоминания о Есенине. - 3-е изд. Л.: Прибой, 1928. ISBN 5-7715-005358 http://lib.ru/RUSSLIT/MARIENGOF/roman.txt http://noskoff.lib.ru/amari010.html http://www.litmir.net/br/?b=19131 3233. Irma Duncan, Allan Ross Macdougall. Isadora Duncan's Russian days and her last days in France. New York: Covici-Friede, 1929; Victor Gollanz Ltd, 1929, 371 pages. Published by ReInk Books (2017). https://www.google.ru/search?hl=ru&tbo=p&tbm=bks&q=inauthor:%22Irma+Duncan%22 http://www.peterharrington.co.uk/isadora-duncan-s-russian-days-and-her-last-years-in-france.html 3235. Isadora Duncan Sleeps with the Russian Navy by Jeff Wanshell. 3237. Maissa-Maria Geahchan (Beirut, Lebanon). BRIEF. The book pays homage to Isadora Duncan the creator of modern dance. A simple line drawing of Duncan dancing is replicated and mirorred several times to form a pattern. As a result, as you look through the pages , you have the impression that Duncan is performing a dance with her dancers. https://www.behance.net/gallery/10929103/Bubbly-People-typeface https://www.google.ru/search?q=isadora+duncan+site:behance.net 3259. Jose Clara ` Жозеп Клара https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.730235470506058 https://m.facebook.com/isadora.duncan.center.spb.ru/albums/730235470506058/ 3288. The Dance of Isadora Duncan by Valentine Lecomte https://images.skinnerinc.com/full/301/1071301.jpg https://www.skinnerinc.com/auctions/2891T/lots/1200 Lecomte, Valentine (b. 1872) The Dance of Isadora Duncan, Signed Copy Presented by the Publisher. Paris: Raymond Duncan, [1952]. First edition, number fifty-five of 100 copies printed; inscribed on title page by Raymond Duncan (1874-1966) to poet and dramatist Percy MacKaye (1875-1956); in the original limp paper wrapper, illustrated with forty-five leaves of plates, some spotting to wraps, 12 3/4 x 10 in. "An authentic document of our beloved Isadora and my hands weaving all together, so binding our affection together - Percy, Isadora, and I - a good triangle." Provenance: The collection of Percy MacKaye (1875-1956), by descent to Marion MacKaye Ober. Keywords: Percy MacKaye, Isadora Duncan, Raymond Duncan, Paris, poet, Marion MacKaye. 3302.3306.3307. Клемент Обрери. Айседора Дункан. Clement Oubrerie. Isadora Duncan, 144 pages, 2017. http://www.bullesdemantes.fr/bdm/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Couverture.jpg http://readingport.club/book?k=Isadora+-+tome+0+-+Isadora&lang=fr&isbn=978-2205074833&source=sites.google.com#pdf https://womenwriteaboutcomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/isadora2.jpg https://www.focus-litterature.com/8802417/il-etait-une-fois-dans-l-est-tome-2-isadora-julie-birmant-et-clement-oubrerie/ https://www.dargaud.com/Le-Mag/Actualites/La-nouvelle-serie-des-auteurs-de-Pablo-interview-de-J.-Birmant https://www.bdgest.com/preview-1820-BD-il-etait-une-fois-dans-l-est-tome-1-les-aventures-d-isadora-duncan.html https://www.amazon.com/Isadora-Julie-Birmant/dp/1910593699 3319. Дивуар Фернан, Дюнойе де Сегонзак Андре (Художник). Альбом. Париж, 1921. Andre Dunoyer de Segonzac. Dessins sur les danses d'Isadora Duncan. Paris, 1921. https://goskatalog.ru/portal/#/collections?id=4450159 Размер: 27х22. Обложка ручной работы - плотный картон, вместе с корешком обтянутый кожей цвета слоновой кости. На обложке рисунок желтой масляной краской - фигура А.Дункан в танцевальной позе. Заголовок выполнен желтой и оранжевой масляными красками. Корешок через 4 отверстия прошит полоской кожи цвета обложки. Номер в Госкаталоге: 4474540. Номер по ГИК (КП): СПбГМТМИ ГИК 16499/4. Инвентарный номер: ОРК 451. Местонахождение: Санкт-Петербургский государственный музей театрального и музыкального искусства. 3320. Брошюра. "Айседора Дункан второго сорта". Картинка глухой провинции в 1 д. Камнев, Б. Ростов-на-Дону: Тип. М.М.Фонштейн. 1908 г. https://goskatalog.ru/portal/#/collections?id=1234684 Размер: 20х13,8. Обложки нет. Листы скреплены скрепками и полоской бумаги сиреневого цвета. Номер в Госкаталоге: 3724075. Номер по ГИК (КП): КП 311534/63. Инвентарный номер: РКкп 63. Местонахождение: Государственный центральный театральный музей имени А.А. Бахрушина. 3321. М/п издание Айседора Дункан : [Сборник статей]. - Москва, 1921. - [8]л. : ил. - С дарств. надписью А. Дункан. - 5000 экз. https://goskatalog.ru/portal/#/collections?id=25136171 Размер: 24х19. Номер в Госкаталоге: 24984819. Номер по ГИК (КП): ГЦММК КП-7205/12. Инвентарный номер: 868/м.п.р. Местонахождение: Российский национальный музей музыки. * 6827. Vanessa Redgrave takes on Isadora Duncan, 1967 http://www.costumecocktail.com/2016/11/13/vanessa-redgrave-as-isadora-duncan-1967/ 6838. Vanessa Redgrave holds her daughter Joely, then aged two. Both Joely and her sister Natasha had a turbulent and chaotic childhood https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/05/09/article-1385341-001F93DC00000258-302_468x691.jpg https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1385341/Vanessa-Redgraves-girls-Joely-Natasha-Richardson-wanted-Oxo-family-childhood.html A bisexual father. A Marxist mother. No wonder the Redgrave girls https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/330803535099761665/ 6840. Vanessa Redgrave as Isadora Duncan https://collectionimages.npg.org.uk/large/mw40441/Vanessa-Redgrave-as-Isadora-Duncan.jpg https://www.npg.org.uk/collections/search/portrait/mw40441/Vanessa-Redgrave-as-Isadora-Duncan * 8001.1421-1429. Isadora Duncan photographed by Jacob Schloss, 1899 Duncan, Isadora / photographs by Schloss. [In various poses, dressed in her mother's lace curtains.] (c1899) https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.404793696383572&type=1 http://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47e2-9f3f-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99 http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0112V Notes: National Endowment for the Arts Millennium Project. Provenance: Albert Davis and Lincoln Kirstein Collections. Schloss (Photographer). Library locations: Jerome Robbins Dance Division. Shelf locator: *MGZEB (New York (City). Museum of Modern Art. Collection of carte de visite photographs). Shelf locator: *MGZEB (Museum of Modern Art. Collection of carte de visite and cabinet card photographs, no. 112-121). 8011.1002. Duncan, Isadora 167 / photographic reproduction of originals by Schloss. [Allan Ross MacDougall Collection.] (1899) Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 167) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0167V 8021.1401-1420. Isadora Duncan, Elvira (Munchen) http://yablor.ru/blogs/aysedora-dunkan/4536945 https://fotki.yandex.ru/users/idvm/album/166493/ https://fotki.yandex.ru/users/humus777/album/442106 8043.1075. Duncan, Isadora 52 / photograph by Elvira : 1904 Alternate Title: Irma Duncan Collection. Catalog Call Number: *MGZEC 84-820 (no. 52) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/id?isadora_0052V 8046.1198 Isadora Duncan : la danse de l'Avenir http://rusoch.fr/files/2010/01/021-isa.jpg 8198. Isadora Duncan: Eight Watercolors http://www.christies.com/lotfinder/drawings-watercolors/abraham-walkowitz-isadora-duncan-eight-waterco-5119129-details.aspx http://www.christies.com/lotfinderimages/d51191/d5119129x.jpg http://www.christies.com/LotFinder/searchresults.aspx?entry=Isadora+Duncan&action=search 8199.2100.5986. Isadora Duncan in Her Dances - SIGNED. https://www.schubertiademusic.com/details/multiple_catalogs:yes/desc:%5BDuncan,+Isadora.+(1877+-+1927)%5D+Walkowitz,+Abraham.+(1878-1965) https://www.schubertiademusic.com/lots/browse_available/page:24/multiple_catalogs:yes Girard, Kansas: Haldeman-Julius Publications. 1946. First edition. Scarce book on Isadora Duncan, featuring Dance Sequence Drawings of Ballet, Agna Enters, Martha Graham, A Group of Pupils of Isadora, and Drawings Against War and Fascism by Walkowitz, with an Introduction by Konrad Bercovici. 12 + [20] p. 19 plates with hundred of drawings reproduced (many quite small). This copy SIGNED by Walkowitz on the front cover. [DUNCAN, ISADORA. (1877 - 1927)] WALKOWITZ, ABRAHAM. (1878-1965). https://www.schubertiademusic.com/cloudsearches/find ** АВТОБИОГРАФИЯ Irma Duncan, Ирма Дункан duncan-irma-autobiography-en.pdf https://vk.com/doc36018247_612302214 duncan-irma-autobiography.pdf https://vk.com/doc36018247_612307107 duncan-irma-autobiography.doc https://vk.com/doc36018247_612305629 ПЕРВОПРОХОДЕЦ duncan-irma-pioneer.doc https://vk.com/doc36018247_612407287 duncan-irma-pioneer.pdf https://vk.com/doc36018247_612407510 ТЕХНИКА duncan-irma-technique.doc https://vk.com/doc36018247_612407773 duncan-irma-technique.pdf https://vk.com/doc36018247_612407980 ПРЕЧИСТЕНКА 20 Natalia Roslavleva, Наталия Рославлева Prechistenka 20 by Roslavleva.pdf roslavleva-prechistenka-20-en.pdf https://vk.com/doc36018247_612521274 roslavleva-prechistenka-20.pdf https://vk.com/doc36018247_612521982 roslavleva-prechistenka-20.doc https://vk.com/doc36018247_612524436 ТЕХНИКА ЗАНЯТИЙ D.A.McComb, Д.А.Мак-Комб The_Classroom_Technique_of_the_School_of_Isadora_Duncan_Dancing2.pdf rosenberg-en.pdf https://vk.com/doc36018247_612524995 rosenberg.pdf https://vk.com/doc36018247_612525841 rosenberg.doc https://vk.com/doc36018247_612526524 ИСКУССТВО ТАНЦА Дункан, Айседора. 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LaMothe - Nietzsche's Dancers_ Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham, and the Revaluation of Christian Values (2006).pdf Gordon Mcvay (auth.) - Isadora and Esenin_ The Story of Isadora Duncan and Sergei Esenin-Palgrave Macmillan UK (1980).pdf Ann Daly - Done into Dance_ Isadora Duncan in America -Wesleyan University Press (2002).pdf Dear Mr Henry Ford (1926).pdf Дункан, Ирма. Техника Айседоры Дункан.txt Дункан, Ирма. Техника Айседоры Дункан.pdf Дункан, Ирма. Техника Айседоры Дункан.doc Дункан, Айседора. Искусство танца.txt https://vk.com/doc36018247_437390734 Дункан, Айседора. Искусство танца.pdf https://vk.com/doc36018247_437411734 Дункан, Айседора. Искусство танца.doc https://vk.com/doc36018247_437390718 * • Internet Archive ` Интернет Архив https://archive.org/search.php?query=Isadora+Duncan https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22Andrei+Panov%22 https://archive.org/images/glogo.jpg archive.org • Documents Service ` Сервис документов [VPN] http://www.docme.su http://www.docme.su/search/?q=Isadora+Duncan http://www.docme.su/profile/79919 https://docme.info/?s=Isadora+Duncan docme.ru *
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